Chapter 4

At the airport the next morning…

Justin: Yo, we’re gonna miss having you around, Kris. It’s too bad you have to leave so soon. Kris: Yeah, well what can you do? Lance: We’ll figure out some way for the whole group to be together again. Kris: That would be cool. (looks at her friends) I’m gonna miss you guys so much. Chris: Aww, group hug! (everyone hugs) Announcer: Flight 543, now boarding. Now boarding Flight 543. Kris: Well that’s me. Jenna: (the two hug) Bye Kris. See ya in two weeks. Dan: Yeah, see ya Kris. (hugs Kris) Joey: Aw, I’m gonna miss gettin’ drunk with you! (the two hug) It’s not gonna be the same without ya! Kris: I’m gonna miss you too Joey! Don’t change! Whoever gets you, is going to be a very lucky girl! JC: Good luck at home! Have a safe trip! Kris: (hugs him) Thanks JC. Take care of my girl for me. JC: You can count on it. Andrea: Kris, I don’t know how we’ll get along without you! The girls are outnumbered! How are we ever gonna beat them? Kris: Oh, trust me, I will definitely be back. (the two hug) How could I let these guys win all the time? Justin: See ya gorgeous! (gives her a hug) Kris: Am I really that worthy? Justin: Definitely. Chris: (pinches cheeks) Aw, there’s no doubt in my mind that I’m not gonna miss this perfect face! Kris: You’re just too sweet Chris! Chris: I know! Kris: And how could I not miss this guy right here? (hugs Lance) Lance: You can’t! It’s just not possible! Kris: I know it’s not. Lance: Well I never said I wouldn’t miss you either. Don’t worry, we’ll see each other again soon. Just try not to think about it right now. Kris: That’s gonna be a very hard thing to do. I’ve had so much more fun than I thought I would on this vacation. There’s no way that I can stop thinking of all of the fun I could be having with you guys. Lance: As soon as you get a chance, we’ll get you back out here, okay? Kris: Well I guess that’ll hafta do. (kisses him lovingly) I guess I’ll see you peoples soon! (blows them all a kiss and walks out of sight)

Back at the guys’ apartment…

Jenna: So, where should we put our bags? Chris: In the room you’re gonna be staying in. Dan: Tell us where and we’ll settle in. Jenna: Yeah, it really doesn’t matter where we sleep. Me and Dan could even share the couch if we need to. Justin: Nonsense! There’s plenty of room for the both of you. JC: Yeah. Jenna, you can stay in my room if you want. You can take my bed, and I can sleep on the floor. Jenna: I’d feel horrible kicking you out of your own bed. JC: Don’t worry about it. Justin: Dan, you can sleep in either of our rooms. Chris: Yeah, but I suggest that you sleep in my room cause Justin gets a little cranky in the morning. Dan: Where do Lance and Joey live? Chris: They live with their families a couple of miles away and Andrea lives about an hour and a half away. But Joey and Lance are supposed to be coming over in a little while so we can start the festivities. Jenna: Sounds good to me!

An hour later…

(Jenna’s hanging out with JC in his room while Justin, Dan, and Chris are watching TV in the den)

Chris: So Dan, do ya have any dirt on Jenna that we could bribe her with? Dan: Oh, I have tons of dirt! Some of it you would never believe! Justin: Well are you gonna tell us, or what? Dan: I think I should make you suffer. Chris: Do you really have to be that mean? Dan: Why not? It’s very fun. Justin: You could be nice, and tell us. Dan: Yeah, I could. Justin: Come on! Tell us already! Dan: What do you want to know? Chris: Something really embarrassing. Dan: Ohhhhh. So you want that kind of dirt! Justin: Yeah! Now get on with it already! Dan: Well, one time Jenna was— (interrupted by the doorbell) Chris: How is it that just as we were getting something out of you, we get interrupted? Dan: Just lucky, I guess! Jenna: I’ll get it! (runs to the door and opens it) Joey: Let the games begin!

Later that night…

JC: This is really great having you stay here. Jenna: Yeah, it is. JC: But see, there’s one problem. Jenna: And what’s that? JC: (takes her in his arms) I just can’t keep my hands off of you. Jenna: Well then I guess we’ll have to compensate won’t we? JC: And what’s your suggestion? Jenna: Well, I told you that I felt bad kicking you out of your own bed, so… JC: (slyly) Yeah…(the two start to kiss passionately while lying on the bed)


Chris: Are you gonna be comfortable there? Dan: (deep in thought) Yeah I can deal. Chris: What’s wrong? It looks like you’re thinking about something. Dan: Nothing. Just forget about it. You shouldn’t have to worry about me. Chris: First of all, we’re friends. Second of all, if we’re gonna be roommates for the next two weeks, we’re gonna hafta open up to each other, so talk. Dan: It’s way too personal. I don’t like to talk about it. Chris: Well now’s the time to start. Dan: I really don’t feel comfortable talking about it. Chris: Okay, okay. Can I ask you a question, then? Dan: First tell me what it is, and then I’ll tell you if I’ll answer it. Chris: You like Jenna, don’t you? Dan: Why would you say that? Chris: Whenever someone mentions her name, you stop whatever you’re doing and seem extremely interested. Dan: She’s my best friend. Why can’t I be interested in news about her? Chris: I never said you couldn’t. It’s just that it looks like you like her. Dan: Does anyone else think this? Chris: Why does it matter? Dan: It doesn’t, I’d just like to know. Chris: If you truly didn’t like her, you wouldn’t be asking. (silence fills the room) Are you sleeping?…Guess so. Goodnight.

The Next Morning…

(alarm sounds for 10:00 AM) JC: (shuts off alarm, rolls over and starts to kiss Jenna’s neck to wake her up) Morning. Jenna: Morning. JC: You know, now you don’t have to feel bad that you kicked me out of my own bed. Jenna: I guess we’ll have to keep these sleeping arrangements for the next two weeks so that I don’t feel bad. JC: It would probably be the best thing. (after a pause) You know, Chris, is probably going to run in here and jump on the bed. Jenna: So let him. JC: (with a smirk) I was thinking along the lines of something else…

In the kitchen…

Chris: Stay out of Justin’s way when he gets up. He’s a complete grouch until he’s had his cereal. Dan: I’ll keep that in mind. Chris: In the mean time, I think I should go wake JC and Jenna up. Be right back. Dan: Okay. Chris: (runs to JC’s room and jumps on the bed but realizes that only pillows are under the covers) Hey!! JC: (instead JC and Jenna jump on him) Ha! I got you for a change! Chris: Hey! That’s not fair! JC: Excuse me? Considering everything you’ve done to me, I’m not even close to repaying you! Chris: Yeah, well, do you guys want breakfast? Me and Dan are the only ones up right now and— Jenna: Aww, you’re lonely! Chris: No we’re not, we’re just— Jenna: Lonely! Exactly my point! Chris: Think whatever you want. Are you coming or what? JC: Yeah, we’re comin’. (helps Jenna off the bed) Jenna: Thank you my good man. JC: Anything for the queen. Jenna: (runs at full speed into the living room and wraps her arms around Dan’s neck) Hey baby, did ya miss me? Dan: More than you’ll ever know. Jenna: Did Chris really snore that much? Dan: (sarcastically) Just a little. Chris: Hey! I am in the room, ya know! Dan: Whether you’re in the room or not, I’m stayin’ on the couch tonight!

Days pass and before they know it, there’s less than two days until they leave for New York…

JC: When are you guys coming back to visit us? I can’t survive long without you. Jenna: I know. It’s gonna be torture until you hold me in your arms again. JC: (putting his arms around her waist) Well that time hasn’t come yet. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t live it up until then. Jenna: I can agree with that. But still…all I keep thinking about is that in less than 48 hours I’m gonna be on a plane back to New York and you’re still going to be here, in Florida. JC: The best thing, right now, is not to think about that, and take these next two days one step at a time. What do ya say we go out to the living room with everyone else? Jenna: Okay. Joey: Hey guys, wassup? JC: Nuthin’ much. Jenna: We were just talking about us leaving tomorrow. Justin: Why are you talking about that? Lance: That must be the worst possible topic to talk about right now. Dan: Yeah, but we have to face the truth. We’re leaving in less than two days and there’s nothing we can do to stop it this time. Chris: Oh, but you’re wrong. Jenna: What are you talking about? Chris: Why do you guys have to go back to New York? Dan: Because we have to get ready for grad school. We still haven’t decided where we’re going. Chris: Why couldn’t you go here in Florida? Dan: (pause of silence) Because our families are in New York. Not to mention the fact that Kris is back at home already planning out her career, and expecting us home tomorrow. Lance: Yeah, but I’m sure Kris would support the idea. Justin: And as for your families, you were already going to college nine hours away. What makes this any different? JC: You’re all over 20 years old. If your parents are ever going to trust you, it should be now. Joey: What I think is you guys should get an apartment here in Florida and go to grad school here at Miami. Chris: And until you find an apartment of your own, you could stay at ours. We’re going to be leaving on tour soon anyway. Dan: Yeah, but I wouldn’t want to impose on you guys. Who knows how long it would take to find a suitable apartment. We’re pretty picky, ya know. Justin: Now wait a sec. Jenna, you’ve been awfully quiet throughout this conversation. I’d like to know what you think of the idea. Jenna: Me? Well… Joey: Answer honestly. Jenna: Well…(glances at JC) I would honestly like to… Lance: To what? Jenna: (glances at JC again) (confidently) I’d like to stay in Florida. (smiles in his direction) Joey: Do you really? Chris: So what do ya say Dan? We’ve got one keeper so far, and I have a feeling, we’re gonna have two after we ask Kris. Dan: Are you really serious about wanting to stay? Jenna: Yeah. I’m so sick of living with my parents. If I were to stay at home, I would be going to Suffolk for grad school. Do you know how horrible that would be? Here at Miami, there are so many good things, not only for me, but for you too. If we’re ever going to succeed in life, we’re going to do it, by staying here in Florida. There’s never been anything that I’ve been so sure of. Dan: But what are my parents going to say? You know how strict they are. Jenna: I’ll help you convince them. You know how I sweet talk everyone. Anyway, you have to do what you think is right, not what your parents want you to do. Dan: I know, it’s just not going to be easy. Jenna: (takes his hand in hers) But together, we can get through it. We’ve spent the last eight years becoming extremely close. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you, but I know it wouldn’t have been a lot. What makes you think that I would leave you alone at this time of need? Dan: It’s just that I’m afraid they’re going to disown me or something. Justin: Why would they do something like that? Dan: You don’t know my parents. Jenna: I’ll get my parents to convince yours if they still don’t like the idea. The bottom line is that if you want to stay, you can…so what will it be? Dan: (looks around at his friends’ faces) Well then, I guess I’ll have to stay. Jenna: (tackles him) Yay! You have no idea how happy this makes me! Dan: Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea.