Chapter 5

Months later, Kris, Dan, and Jenna have finally found an apartment and Kris is talking to Lance on the phone…

Kris: We found one! Lance: Really? That’s terrific! How is it? Kris: It’s incredible! Lance: That good, huh? Kris: Oh my god, yeah! Lance: What does it look like? Kris: I can’t even describe it, it’s so wonderful. You guys have to come home soon so we can show it to you. Lance: You have no idea how much I miss you. If I could, I’d be on a plane home right now. Kris: Well, when you do come home, we have a guest bedroom. It should make the sleeping arrangements a little easier. First night you guys are home, you’re staying at our apartment over night. Lance: If that’s what you want. Kris: Yup. (Jenna signals that she wants to talk to JC) Oh, sorry Lance, I gotta go. Jenna here is gonna go nuts if she can’t talk to JC soon. I’ll talk to you later! Lance: Alright Kris, I’ll talk to you soon. Kris: Okay bye! Lance: See ya! Jenna: Hello? JC: Baby, I missed the sweet sound of your voice! Jenna: Oh, and I missed that gorgeous voice of yours too! JC: Well, hopefully you won’t have to miss it for too long! Jenna: Yeah, well that’s what you said last time we talked. JC: I said what last time? Jenna: That it wouldn’t be long until you were home. It is so incredibly hard staying away from you so long. You’re gone for months upon months at a time, and then when you’re home, it’s only for two or three days. JC: But you have to understand. This is my career. You have to be supportive or else this relationship will never work. Jenna: JC, I am supportive. And there is no part of me that doesn’t want this relationship to work. I’m just saying that I miss you so much. I can’t stand being away from you anymore. JC: Well, this next break is for a whole month. Baby, there’s not gonna be one second that we’re not together. Jenna: I hope so. JC: Honey, I know so.

Two weeks later…

Kris: I hope their bus gets here soon! Jenna: Me too! Kris: What about you Dan? Do you miss the guys? Dan: I miss having any guys around. Do you know how hard it is to live with two extremely picky women, and have no guys around to hang with when their cranky? Jenna: Okay, now you’re gonna get it! (starts tickling him) Dan: (while lying on the floor) No! Stop it! Get off of me! Jenna: (stops tickling him and sits on top of him) There’s no way I’m getting off of you. Dan: So what are you gonna hold me hostage or something? Kris: Me and her, both! We’re gonna use an apple for a gag, and shove it in your mouth. Jenna: Yeah, and then we’ll handcuff you to the wall, and we’ll torture you until you beg for mercy! Dan: And what kind of torture would this be? Kris: Wouldn’t you like to know! (all of a sudden the doorbell rings and the girls run to the door) ‘N Sync: Did ya miss us? Kris and Jenna: (hugging them all at once) You have no idea how much! Dan: (shaking hands with the guys) Hey guys, nice to see ya again. Chris: Hey Dan, how’s it goin? Dan: Not too bad, now that we’ve got some more men around here! Kris: Yeah, he was complaining that he’s had to deal with us for too long by himself! Lance: I can understand why. Kris: Hey! (hits him in the stomach) Lance: (laughing) I was only kidding! JC: (pulls her close) Hey gorgeous, I missed you! Jenna: How could you not? JC: All I know is that I can’t imagine my life without you right now. Kris: Aw, isn’t that sweet! (hits Lance in the stomach again) Hey! Why don’t you ever say stuff like that to me? Lance: I don’t know. Maybe because you’re always hitting me in the stomach! Joey: Could be! Kris: Hey, you stay out of this! You better watch out before I do the same to you! Dan: Hey, could you guys come here for a sec? Justin: (they all go into the den) Yo, what’s up? Dan: I’ve got an idea.

About ten minutes later…

Jenna: What was that all about? JC: Nuthin’. He just wanted to show us the den. Kris: Yeah right. Lance: No, really. Now can I have a hug? JC: Yeah, me too. Kris: Why? Jenna: Yeah, I don’t trust you guys for one second. Lance: Why? All I want is a hug. JC: Yeah, what’s wrong with a hug anyway? Kris: Oh, fine. (the two couples hug) Chris: Now, we’d like to show you something. Kris and Jenna: What? Justin: Grab ‘em! Jenna: Huh? (the guys grab their arms and legs and carry them out to the backyard) Kris: Hey! What do you think you’re doing? Joey: We have a little something planned for the two of you. Lance: And we give all the credit to Dan. Dan: Oh, thanks guys. Justin: No problem. Jenna: Why did you guys carry us out here? (looks around and sees the pool two feet away) No!! Let go of me! I am not going into that pool with my clothes on! JC: Too bad. You’re goin’ in, honey. Whether you like it or not. Kris: Excuse me, don’t we get a say in this? Chris: Sure, but we won’t listen to it. Joey: Ready? One… Jenna: Guys, don’t do this! Joey: Two… Kris: What did we ever do to you? Lance: Ha! That’s funny! Joey: Three! (the guys fling Jenna and Kristen into the pool) Jenna: (after she catches her breath) I can’t believe you did that. I’m never talking to you guys again. (turns around and refuses to face any of them) Kris: I agree. You’re horrible! James Lance Bass, you can kiss me goodbye. JC: Okay, I think you ladies are overreacting just a tad. Jenna: Hmph. Joey: Listen, it was just a joke. We never thought you would be mad at us. Kris: Well we are! Lance: (goes around so he’s right in front of Kris) Please forgive me. (gives puppy face) I’m nothing without you. JC: And you know how much I care about you. If I knew you would get this mad, I never would’ve done it. Kris: I don’t know. Do you think we should forgive them? Jenna: Hmmm…Oh, alright! Kris: We forgive you! Jenna: Now give me a big wet kiss! Kris: Don’t forget me too! (the two go to kiss them and instead pull them into the water) And I stress wet! JC: That’s it! You’re gonna get it now! Chris: Everyone in the pool! (they all jump in) Lance: (to Kris) I can’t believe you just did that! Kris: And what, I’m supposed to just let you throw me into the pool? Lance: Yup. Kris: I don’t think so! JC: (to Jenna) Come here for a sec. Jenna: (backing away) No. JC: Just come here. Jenna: No, you’re gonna dunk me! JC: You’ve got that right! (chases her and dunks her under the water) Jenna: (comes up behind him and wraps her arms around him) Are you satisfied now? JC: Not until I’ve had my kiss you promised me. Jenna: Oh is that what you want? (kisses him sincerely) JC: (stares into her eyes) You are so beautiful. I must be the luckiest guy on earth to have you as my girlfriend. Jenna: I beg to differ. I believe it is the other way around. JC: Nope, I’m sorry but you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen. (pauses) I don’t know why I never said this, but…I love you. I love you from the bottom of my heart. Nothing could ever change that. Jenna: Baby, I thought you would never say that. I’ve loved you ever since that weekend we met. I knew deep down in my heart that I loved you, but I didn’t know how to say it. JC: Just kiss me. (the two start to kiss passionately)