Chapter 6

The next day…

Joey: Let’s go people! I’ve got something planned, and we’re not gonna be on time if you don’t hurry up. Dan: (they start to pile into the car) Okay, that’s everyone. Where are we going anyway? Joey: That’s for me to know, and you to find out. I will tell you this, though…you are going to have the best time of your lives today. Kris: Just tell us! Joey: You’ll find out soon enough. (they continue to drive for 20 minutes until they reach their destination) We’re here! Jenna: What is this place? Justin: Yo, this is so cool! Joey, you rule, man! Dan: What are we doing? Justin: Look at the sign! Chris: Sky-diving! JC: Really? Jenna: Oh my god! This is so awesome! Joey: Do you really wanna stare at the building, or do you actually want to go inside? Kris: (to Dan) What’s the matter? Dan: Aren’t you afraid? Kris: Well, yeah. But I know that after I’ve gone through with this, I’ll be a lot more confident. Chris: Man, no one’s gonna bail out, are they? JC: I’m thinkin’ about it. Lance: Yeah, me too. Jenna: What!? How could you pass up an amazing experience like this? JC: I’m scared. Dan: Yeah, I’m scared too. Lance: See, so it’s not just us. JC: For you guys this seems like a really awesome experience, but I am so incredibly scared. Lance: I’m sorry, but I really don’t want to do this. Dan: Neither do I. I’ve gone along with everything else, but this is just way over my limit. Justin: That’s fine. We’re not gonna make you do anything you don’t want to do. Lance: Thanks for understanding, guys. Joey: JC, what about you? Chris: Yeah, are you comin’ or goin’? JC: Umm…I’m…(looks into Jenna’s eyes)…coming. I’m coming. Justin: Yeah man! Nice to have you aboard.

After training, they are getting ready to go on the plane…

Chris: This is gonna be so awesome! Justin: Joe, how are we ever gonna repay you for this? Joey: Don’t worry about it, guys. Trainer: Okay, let’s start boarding the plane. Lance: Good luck! Dan: Yeah, have fun! Kris: Thanks guys! (to Jenna) I know I’m gonna regret this once I’m looking out that window. Jenna: Maybe, but there’s no way you’re backing out of this now. Let’s go!

Moments before jumping…

Joey: Are you ready for the most thrilling experience of you lives? Chris: Definitely! Kris: JC, are you okay? JC: I’ve been better. Jenna: Aww, what’s the matter, sweetie, you nervous? JC: Just a little. Justin: Don’t worry about it. You won’t be sorry that you’re going through with this. JC: I know. I’m just a little scared right now. Hopefully it will pass before I have to jump. Trainer: Alright everyone, it’s party time! Who’s first? Chris: Me! Trainer: Okay, get ready. Alright. Chris, on three, you’re gonna hang on the wing like we taught you. Chris: Okay. Trainer: One, two, three! (Chris hangs on the wing and lets go on command) So, who’s next? (Justin and Joey jump, leaving Jenna, Kris, and JC. JC starts to have doubts, but Kris and Jenna convince him to jump. The two ladies are left to jump last)


Dan: So how was it? Chris: Oh my god! Lance: That good, huh? Justin: Definitely! Joey: You guys would never have believed the rush you get. It’s amazing! Lance: What about you, JC? You seemed a little nervous before takeoff. JC: It was the best experience I’ve ever had in my life. I’m really glad I went through with it. Dan: Where are Kris and Jenna? JC: Oh, they jumped a little later because they were trying to convince me to jump. Justin: Here they come now. Kris: (to Lance) So how does it feel to be more of a chicken than your girlfriend? Lance: I resent you for that remark. Kris: I can’t help it. I went through with something I never would’ve thought I could do, so the arrogance is going to my head a little. Lance: No, really? Dan: What about you, baby? Did you like it? Jenna: Oh yeah! It was so incredible. It was even better than I thought it would be. Chris: So are you ashamed that you didn’t go through with it? Dan: I’m sure it was a really great experience, but I just couldn’t go through with something like that. I admit it, I’m a chicken. Jenna: I can agree with that. Dan: Hey, whose side are you on, anyway? Jenna: Give me a second to think about that! (starts tickling him) Dan: Stop! This isn’t fair! Kris: (to JC) What’s the matter? Do you still feel sick? JC: I guess you could say that. Kris: Tell me what’s wrong. JC: (watching Jenna as she tickles Dan) It’s nothing. I’m just— Kris: Jealous? JC: (shoots her an alarming look) How could you say that? Kris: Oh, come on JC. You know it’s true. Every time Dan and Jenna display some type of affection, you’re all in a snit. You can’t stand to see her with another guy. JC: Okay, so maybe I’m jealous. I can’t help it. Do you know how it feels to be the second-hand man in your girlfriend’s life? Kris: Can’t say that I do. JC: Well it’s a horrible feeling. I feel like she’s drifting away from me, the more she hangs out with him. Kris: But the only reason they’re so close is because you’re gone all the time. They’ve also been best friends for eight years now. If you were around more often, she’d be with you instead of him. JC: Well, I’m here now. Kris: You’re overreacting. Just get over it, and let’s have some fun. JC: I’ll try.