Chapter 7

A week later, everyone is playing a game of basketball…

Joey: Okay, so how are we gonna set up the teams? Justin: That’s easy. The good players are on my team, and the bad ones can form their own little team. Kris: I don’t think so! That would mean that I’m on the bad team! Lance: Yeah, but I’d be on that team with you. Kris: Maybe there are good sides to this. Chris: Okay, I’ll take charge. On my team, is me, Joey, Jenna, and JC. The other team will be Justin, Kris, Dan, and Lance. After this game we can change it up. Justin: Great. Now that that’s settled, let’s get it on! (they play a competitive, yet playful, game of basketball, leaving Chris’ team as the winners) Chris, you are such a cheater! Chris: I am not! Justin: Yes you are! You chose all the good players for your team! (to his team) No offense guys. (to Chris) You’re really good, and so is JC and Joey. Not to mention the fact that Jenna was all over the court. Chris: Hey, it’s not my fault that your team lost. Justin: I demand a team change, and I’m deciding who’s on which team. Chris: Fine. Do whatever you want. Justin: Okay. This time, the teams will be fair. On my team, we’ll have me, Lance, Joey, and Jenna. Chris’ team will be him, JC, Kris, and Dan. Kris: But I wanna be with Lance! JC: Yeah, and I wanna be with Jenna. Justin: Sorry guys. Guess you’ll have to deal. Joey: Okay, now let’s play some basketball! Dan: (they play the game until Kris and Lance start to flirt non-stop, causing the game to end) Yo, guys, do you mind? Chris: Yeah, we’re sorta trying to have a game here. Lance: Anytime guys.

A Couple of Days Later…

Kris: Jenna! Answer the door! Jenna: Okay, I’ll get it! (opens the door) Oh my god! (screams and excitedly hugs the two figures at the door) Kris: What’s the matter? (runs into the room) Freak me out! Shawn, Owen, how did you get here? Shawn: It’s a little something called a plane. Kris: I know that, but wow! What a surprise! How are you? Owen: We’re good. We got a break and decided that it’s been too long since we’ve seen you guys. Jenna: That’s true. It has been a really long time. Shawn: So, are we gonna meet the reasons why you moved here so suddenly? Kris: You mean Lance and JC? Shawn: Who else? Kris: Yeah, they should be coming over in about an hour. Shawn: Cool deal. Jenna: How long are you staying here for? Owen: Not even a week. We don’t have that much time off. Jenna: Oh, that stinks. Owen: Yeah, tell me about it. Is Dan here? Jenna: Oh my god, I completely forgot about him! Dan! Dan: What’s the matter? (looks and sees his friends) Yo, man, long time no see! (slaps them five) What have you been up to? Shawn: Eh, same old, same old. Owen: Anyways, we should be asking you that question! What’s up with this, huh? This apartment is awesome! Shawn: Yeah, how did you get this place, anways? Dan: We were extremely lucky. Kris: And we stress extremely. Shawn: Man, I would give up my job, any day, to live down here. It’s phat! Jenna: Well why don’t we show you around? I mean, you’re gonna be staying here for the next week, so… Owen: Yeah, sure. That’d be cool.

A Half Hour Passes By…

Shawn: I’ll get it! (to Owen) Let’s see who these pretty boys are. (opens door) Hey! Come in, come in! Justin: (dumbfounded) Umm…who are you? Shawn: Don’t you recognize me? God, it’s been so long! How are you, man? (gives him a hug) Justin: Okay, you still didn’t answer my question. Jenna: (comes into the room) Hey guys! I see you’ve met Shawn. JC: Shawn… Jenna: Oh, I never told you about them have I? Joey: Wait, them? There’s someone else? Jenna: Okay, let me explain. This is Shawn, and that’s Owen over there. Owen: Hi! (smiles and waves) Jenna: They’re high school buddies of ours. Shawn: Yeah, we go way back. Oh, by the way. Sorry for messin’ with ya. I was just tryin to have some fun. Justin: No problem. Jenna: Hey, what did you do to them? Shawn: I just answered the door like I’ve known them my whole life. Ya know, gave him a hug, asked him how he’s been. Stuff like that. Jenna: (punches him in his side) You’re so mean! Lance: So wait a sec, I didn’t know your friends were coming. Jenna: Well, actually we didn’t either. Owen: Yup, we surprised them. Chris: That’s cool. Lance: So where’s Kris and Dan? Jenna: Hold on, I’ll tell them you’re here. (walks out of the room) Joey: So, you’ve known Kris and Jenna for a long time, huh? Owen: Yeah, we’re pretty close. We haven’t seem them since they moved here. We finally had some time off from work, and decided that now was as good a time as any. Shawn: So which two of you are the guys that stole our friends’ hearts? JC: That would be me. Lance: And me. Shawn: Boy, have we heard a lot about you guys. JC: Really? Owen: Yeah. Geez, we must know practically everything about you. Lance: You know, they never mentioned anything about you. I never even knew that they had friends named Owen or Shawn. JC: Yeah, I mean, Jenna has pictures of you guys in her room, but she never talked about you. Shawn: Nice to know our friends care about us as much as we care about them! Kris: Hey guys how’s it going? Lance: How come you never mentioned Owen or Shawn? Kris: Huh? Lance: Why didn’t you ever talk about them? Kris: I don’t know. Maybe because whenever they called, you weren’t here. Chris: Good reason. Kris: I’ve told you plenty of times that a high school buddy of mine called, I just never told you his name, that’s all. Lance: Oh, okay.

Days Later…

Joey: You know, your friends are pretty cool. Dan: They are, aren’t they? We grew up together, so we’re pretty close. Chris: That’s cool how you still keep in touch. Dan: Yeah, well back in New York, we hung out a lot, so it was easy to stay friends. Now that we’re here in Florida, it’s sorta weird being away from them. Joey: I understand exactly what you mean. When I moved here from New York it was really tough to say goodbye to all of my friends. But after awhile I accepted it. Shawn: (walks in the front door) Hey guys! Man this place is awesome! There’s so much more to do than on Long Island! Dan: So, I take it that you like the place? Shawn: Definitely! Owen: (walks through the door followed by Kris, Lance, Justin, JC, and Jenna) Hey. Chris: What did you guys do all day? Justin: The list goes on and on. We went mini golfing, swimming, shopping…You name it, we did it. Joey: Skydiving? Justin: Okay we didn’t do that. But, hey, I’ve done it before! Joey: True, very true. Chris: So are you guys satisfied with your visit here in Florida. Owen: Definitely. I mean, I don’t wanna leave tomorrow, but I guess I have no choice, right? Shawn: Oh, well, what ya gonna do. Owen: Maybe, we can come back next time we have a break. Kris: Yeah. That would be cool. Dan: Man, I’m gonna miss you guys. Shawn: Likewise Danny Boy. Owen: Well, at least you’ve got the rest of the guys here. Justin: Yup, we’re not leaving for a while.

A Week and a Half Later…

Kris: How is it, that now that we’re getting close again, you have to leave? Lance: I know, I really wish that our tour wouldn’t kick off for another month or so. I’d rather stay here with you. Kris: Then why don’t you? Lance: Come on Kris, you know I can’t do that. Kris: I know, I know. I’m just gonna hate seeing you leave. Lance: (pulling her close into his arms) Trust me. I’m gonna miss you too. Kris: Not as much as me. Do you have any idea how much I love you? Lance: I think you need to tell me again. Kris: I love you more than— Lance: (puts his finger to her lips to hush her) You know what, I think I’d like you to show me instead. Kris: Oh really? Lance: Uh-huh. (they start to kiss passionately)