Chapter 8

A Week Later…

Jenna: I still can’t believe that they’re gone already. Kris: Yeah I know. This month went by so fast. Jenna: Have you ever wished that they were just regular guys so that we could see them whenever we wanted? Kris: All the time. Jenna: I mean, I know it’s selfish and everything, but— Kris: Oh, believe me. I know exactly how you feel. (telephone rings and she picks it up) Hello. JC: Hey Kris what’s happenin’? Kris: Oh, hey JC! We were just talking about you guys. JC: Oh really? Good or bad? Kris: Always good when we’re talking about our boys. JC: Well that’s a relief. Listen, can I talk to Jenna? It’s sort of important. Kris: Sure hold on a sec, ok? JC: Yeah, sure. Kris: (to Jenna) Lover boy’s on the phone. Jenna: Thanks Kris. (into the phone) Hey, sweetie, how’s it goin’? JC: Good. But I miss you terribly. Jenna: Oh, I miss you too. JC: But listen, this is sort of important. Jenna: What’s up? JC: Okay, I have this friend. His name is Drew Lachey. Jenna: Yeah. JC: He was supposed to pick a package up from Justin’s mom, but she’s out of town. So I need you to take my keys that I gave you and bring the package to your apartment. Jenna: Where is it? JC: It should be on the kitchen counter. Jenna: Okay, and how is he going to get this package? JC: He should be picking it up at your place on Friday. Is that okay? Jenna: Oh yeah, that’s fine. JC: Alright. You don’t know how much I appreciate you doing this for me. Jenna: No problem. But if you don’t mind me asking, what’s in the package? JC: It’s a contract that we need his group to sign. We’re gonna tour together. Jenna: Oh, he has a group too? JC: Yeah, it’s called 98?. Jenna: That’s cool. JC: Yeah, uh, listen hunny. I hate to do this to you, but I’ve gotta go. We have to go to rehearsal now. I’ll call you later, though, okay? Jenna: Alright. JC: I love you. Jenna: I love you too. JC: Bye. Jenna: See ya.

Friday Morning…

Dan: Jenna, are you sure you don’t mind us leaving you alone? Jenna: Yeah I’m positive. Now hurry up, you don’t wanna miss your plane. Kris: Are you sure there’s no way you can come? I’m sure your family misses you. Jenna: Kris, I can’t. I promised JC I would do this for him. It’s very important. I’m sure I’ll manage anyway. Now go! Have a good time. Dan: Thanks, babe. (gives her a hug) We’ll see you in two weeks, okay? Jenna: Yeah, okay. (to Kris) And you! You’ve gotta promise me that you’ll give this letter to my parents. (hands her a letter) It explains why I couldn’t come home. Kris: (hugs her) No problem. Jenna: Now go, already! If you don’t leave now, there’s no way, you’ll make your plane. Kris: Okay, okay! Bye! Jenna: See ya! Dan: Bye hunny! Jenna: (laughing) Later cupcake!

Later on that Afternoon…

Jenna: (the doorbell rings and she goes to answer it to find a handsome man at the door) Hi, may I help you? Drew: Yes, my name is Drew. I believe JC told you I was coming. Jenna: Oh, you’re Drew? Drew: Yup, that would be me. Jenna: Well, come in. Drew: (steps in the door) Wow. Nice place you’ve got here. Jenna: Thanks. We try to keep it up. Drew: Oh, you have roommates? Jenna: Yeah, but they went back home to visit their families. Drew: Where are they from? Jenna: New York. I am too. Drew: Really? I love New York. It’s so much more interesting than Florida. Jenna: I seem to think so. Drew: So then why are you here? Jenna: I moved here to be with the guys when they’re not touring. Drew: (with a surprised look)You did all of that for them? Jenna: Yeah. Why, is that surprising? Drew: I’ve never seen anyone do that much for their friends. Jenna: Well, we all have an extremely close friendship. I’ve never had better friends than those five guys. Drew: So wait. If your roommates went back home, to where your family is, and the guys are on tour, you’re all alone? Jenna: It would appear so, wouldn’t it? Drew: How long are your friends going to be gone? Jenna: Two weeks. They just left today. Drew: (concerned) How could I just leave you here, knowing that you’re gonna be alone for two weeks? Jenna: (joking) Um, I don’t know, you walk out the door? Drew: No. I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. Why don’t you join me and my friends for dinner tonight? I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. Jenna: I don’t know. I was kind of thinking of having a night to myself tonight. Drew: I won’t have it. And afterwards, you could go clubbing with us. Come on, what do you say? (gives her a puppy face) Jenna: (smiles) Now how could I say no to that? Alright. I’ll go. Drew: Great. I’ll call you in a little while, okay? Jenna: Okay. (Drew starts heading out the door) Oh, and Drew. (he stops) Thank you. Drew: (smiles) No problem. See ya later. Jenna: Okay, bye!

Later on…

Drew: Jenna, I’d like you to meet my friends. (points in their direction) This is Justin and Jeff. And this is my brother, Nick. Jenna: Nice to meet you all. Jeff: Likewise. Justin J: So I heard you’re friends with the guys from ‘N Sync, huh? Jenna: Yup. I know that I made the right decision when I moved down here to be with them. Nick: Oh, that’s right. Aren’t your friends back at home, or something like that? Jenna: Yeah they went to visit their families. Jeff: Do you miss the guys? Jenna: Of course I do. It’s always hard to see them go. And with them touring, and everything, it’s hard for them to find more than ten minutes to talk to me. I usually talk to at least two of them a day, though. Jeff: Oh, that’s cool. Jenna: Yeah. I’m always glad when I hear from them. Do you guys still keep in touch with your friends back home? Justin J: Yeah, I try to call them as much as possible so our friendship stays in tact. Nick: We all try to keep in touch with our friends. I mean, we’re not the type that after we become famous, we desert the people that supported us through it all, ya know? Jenna: Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

Later on at the Club…

Jeff: So how long have you been friends with this guy, Dan? Jenna: Well— Drew: Sorry to interrupt you guys. Jeff: No problem. What’s up? Drew: I was just wondering if I could steal Jenna away from you. Jenna: Oh really? Drew: Jenna…would you care to dance? (reaches out his hand) Jenna: I would love to, my good man. (laughs) Oh, you don’t mind, do you Jeff? Jeff: Of course not. Just remember that I’ve got you next. Jenna: You’ve got it!

Back at the Apartment… Drew: (walks Jenna to her door) The guys and I had a really great time tonight. Jenna: Yeah me too. I really appreciate you doing this for me. It was much better then watching a love story while eating a pint of ice cream! Drew: Yeah, we’ll have to go dancing again, sometime. Jenna: Not for a couple of days! I’m all danced out right now! Drew: Yeah, we did danced a lot tonight, didn’t we? (they pause as the situation is suddenly tense) Jenna: (uncomfortably) Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. Drew: Yeah sure. Tomorrow sounds good. Jenna: Bye. Drew: See ya. Jenna: (shuts the door and stops) Well that was interesting. (shrugs and walks into the living room)