Chapter 9

Minutes Later, the Phone Rings…

Jenna: Hello. Dan: (joking) Where have you been young lady? Jenna: (laughs) Out. Dan: With whom, may I ask? You know, JC wouldn’t be too happy if he found out about this. Jenna: Excuse me, but I was with his friends! Dan: That’s still no excuse to be out till 3 in the morning. Do you have any idea how scared I was that something happened to you? Jenna: Aww, were you scared? Dan: It isn’t funny. Jenna: I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist. Dan: It’s okay. So who was this friend you were with? Jenna: You know the package that I had to get from JC’s apartment? Dan: Yeah. Jenna: Well, JC’s friend, Drew, had to come pick it up today. When he found out that I was going to be alone for the next two weeks, he insisted that I spend time with him and a couple of friends. Dan: So where did you go? Jenna: They took me to a restaurant, and then we went clubbing. Dan: Just don’t tell JC. Jenna: Why? Dan: You can’t tell how jealous he gets? Jenna: Come on, why would he get jealous? He’s dealt with the fact that almost all of my friends are guys, four more wouldn’t hurt. Dan: You don’t know that. Jenna: Listen, everything will be fine. Dan, I really appreciate your concerns, but I don’t think there will be a problem. Dan: I sure hope you’re right.

At Jenna’s Apartment, the Day Before Kris and Dan are Due Home…

Drew: Isn’t it weird how we’ve gotten to know each other so well in less than two weeks? Jenna: Not really. We’ve been together practically the whole time. Drew: That’s true. Listen, do you mind if I ask you a question? Jenna: Nope. Go ahead, and shoot. Drew: Exactly how close do you believe us to be? Jenna: (confused) What do you mean? Drew: I mean, do you think of our relationship as a friendship, or something more? Jenna: Umm…I don’t know, I mean— (Drew starts to kiss her) JC: (walks in the room just as they kiss, and looks at them with pain in his eyes, which turns into anger) How could you? Jenna: (pulls away and looks to JC fearfully) JC! JC: I trusted you! I trusted you through everything and this is how you repay me? You cheat on me with (points to Drew) my own friend? I can’t believe you! Jenna: JC, you don’t understand! I didn’t kiss him, he kissed me! JC: How could you lie right to my face? Jenna: Lie! You’ve got to be kidding me! (starts to cry) You don’t believe me? JC: I saw you kiss him! What’s there to believe? Jenna: (breaking down) I can’t believe you! You know, you will never understand what I’ve gone through! You will never know what goes through my head! And you will never see the likes of me again, because we’re through! (runs out of the apartment hysterically crying) JC: (to Drew) And you! How could you let this happen? Drew: I didn’t even know you two were together. JC: How could you not know? Everyone knows, except the public! Drew: Whoa, JC, I think you need to calm down. JC: No, I need to get out of here. I need to think. I need to get out of here, and think. That’s what I need to do. (walks out while talking to himself) Drew: (telephone rings) Umm…hello? Kris: Who is this? Drew: This is Drew. I’m JC’s friend. Kris: Oh, you’re the one that had to pick up the package, right? Drew: Yeah, that’s me. Kris: Is Jenna there? I need to talk to her. Drew: Actually, there’s been sort of a crisis. Kris: (worried) Oh my god! What happened? Is she hurt? Drew: No, nothing like that. Kris: Then what happened? Drew: Okay, me and Jenna have been hanging out a lot lately, and I didn’t know she was involved with someone, so I kissed her. Kris: (surprised) You didn’t know she was going out with JC? Drew: No! If I knew that, I never would’ve made a move on my friend’s girl. Kris: So what happened, she left confused? Drew: Well, not quite. Kris: (curious) What else happened? Drew: Just as I kissed her, JC walked in the door. Kris: JC! Oh no! He wasn’t supposed to be back for another week or so. Drew: Well, he’s home early. Kris: Was he mad? Drew: Just a tad. He accused her of cheating on him and wouldn’t let her get a word in. Then they both started screaming and Jenna broke up with him. Kris: What!? Jenna broke up with JC? I would have thought that JC broke up with her. Drew: Well, she did. She seemed really upset. She said something like he’ll never understand what she’s gone through and what she thinks about. And then she broke up with him. Kris: Oh my god. This is horrible. I’m gonna see if we can get an earlier flight tomorrow. Drew: I think that would be smart. Kris: Meanwhile, was he mad at you? Drew: He was taking all his anger out on Jenna when he shouldn’t have. He wouldn’t let me explain either. He just kept rambling on. Kris: Well I want you to understand that all throughout high school and college, almost all of Jenna’s friends were guys. So JC has been extremely jealous lately. The kiss just put him over the edge. I was suspecting that he thought she was cheating on him with one of her friends and when he saw this, it just all fit together. Drew: I feel so horrible about all of this. Kris: Listen, it’s not your fault. You honestly didn’t know that they were going out. JC was eventually going to snap anyway. But I want you to do something for me. Drew: Name it. Kris: Okay, I want you to call the guys, from your group and JC’s and get them over to my apartment. Tell Lance to bring all the sets of keys they have. I want you to tell them what happened and then wait at both apartments for one of them to come home. Drew: Are you sure they won’t be mad at me? Kris: They’ll be upset, but you’ll have to deal with it. Tell them the truth, and they’ll eventually forgive you. But whatever you do, you have to get them talk to someone. They have to understand that it was just a misunderstanding, and that they need each other. Drew: Okay, we’ll try. Kris: I’ll call later to see what happened. Drew: Alright, talk to ya later. Kris: Bye. Drew: See ya. (hangs up the phone) What have I gotten myself into?