One day I was e-mailing N'sync (Well, auctually JC) it was a long beautiful letter and I hoped he would reply. I was so crazy for him and I thought he was fine himself. I said in my letter "this is 4 u....even if the sun refuses to shine and even if romance runs out of fire, I will always have a safe place in my heart for u...."

Then one day I was thinking that he was reading the fan mail and he actually was...

Back in the tour bus: Jc Chasez was reading the fan-mail with the band. They had fun reading them. Finally he got to mine.

"JC!" shouted Justin.

"What is it?" asked JC.

"This letters for u, you better hurry we got a show to do in O 800 hours," Justin replied.

"You mean 8:00eh?" asked JC.

"Yup," Justin said.

"Darn with only 10 min. before the show." He could the fans screaming "WE WANT N'SYNC!" He read it and wanted to reply something as beautiful as that.

"JC c'mon we gotta show to do," Joey said.

He left and during the concert he couldn't stop thinking about e-mailing me. The concert was finished and JC turned on the computer..........

He turned on the computer and he must have read that letter a thousand times!

"WOW!" exclaimed Jc.

"Ohh, I think Jc's Gotta Girlfriend," Justin sang.

"Oooh," the band said. "Jc's gotta girlfriend!"The band sang.

"U guys, I barely know her!" he told the band. She does seem sweet...he thought in his mind. So he wrote a letter when everyone was a sleep. He used Cris' lab top, went in a aol, and started writing.

This is what he said:

To my dear fan,

I was really touched by your words. I feel like I known you for ever. You are so sweet to say those words and I feel the same way for u. For that, I'm going to give you 6 backstage passes. 1 for u and for 5 more friends! Thank you for being a good friend.



There I'm done...he thought and send it. He fell asleep.

On the next morning...

It was a beautiful Saturday. On my birthday count down, it was only 1week until the big day. I was turning 19. My only birthday wish is that I wish Jc would come....but I knew it wouldn't happen 'til I turned on the computer....

"YOU'VE GOT MAIL!" the computer said once I logged on in AOL. So Ichecked my mail. It was from,(Ohmigod!) JC CHASEZ!!!!

"AAAAAHHHHH" I screamed it and woke up everyone in the house.

My Auntie was staying over and she came up and asked,"What happened?"

"The most wonderfulthing in my life, JC CHASEZ REPLIED TO MY LETTER!!!!!!"


"Ohh, I think u got your-self a famous boyfriend,"my auntie said.

"That would be cool...U think so?" I asked.

"Do I think so? I know so! SEE, he wrote "Love, JC"SEE!"

"Yea but he could say that to all fans" I mimicked.

"Oh,c'mon,e-mail him back"

"OK" I said.

When she left I started smiling...:-)

Parrisha was the first one I called. I was planning to invite Jeanette, Roxanna, Jessica, Parrisha, and Amber...

"Hello?" the phone asked.

"Is Parrisha there?" I asked the person.

"This is she, may I ask who's calling?" Parrisha asked. v"It's me, CJ" I said.

"(yawn) Oh, hi. (yawn)"

"Man, you sure sound sleepy, but here's something to wake you up" I said.

"(yawn) It better"

"Well, I e-mailed Jc Chasez and he replied!" I told the sleepy girl.

"(GASP!)" she said.

"And that's not all Parrisha! He's going to send 6 front rows tickets and backstage!" I also said.

"(SIGH)" and Parrisha fainted.

"HELLO??????? HELLO??????"

Parrisha fainted on the phone and I hung up.

WOW! Just imagine everyone else! Next I called Jeanette...

"Like, Hello? This is like, Jeanette."

I giggled. "It's Me CJ"

"Like HI! So like, wuzzup?"

"Great news, I got A front row ticket to N'sync and for also backstage!"

"Like, how'd you like get it? Like I mean is this like some kinda joke or like what?"


"Like wow! Like when is it like on?"

"On Sat. at 8:00"

"Like I'll like be there!" LIKE BYE!

So I called everyone and they screamed on the phone! Ow! I'm about tobe deaf and on the phone! I thought.

Then I decided to do what my aunt said: E-mail him back. So I did and this is what it said:

To dear Jc Chasez of N'sync,

I really enjoyed the free tickets! That is too nice...I guess I do feel like that for you. Thanx so much. Your really an angle!

Love, XOXO


I sent it and he got it.

It was finally the day...

"You're all I ever wanted, your all I ever needed... yea.. so tell mewhat to do now when I want you back..." and music went on. IT WAS SO LOUD! We decided to hold up a sign that said we love N'sync. Then we went back stage.

" Hi we're N'sync" they said.

"Hi" we said.

"Out of all of you fine ladies, which one is CJ?" Jc asked.

I rose my hand. "May I speak to you in private?"

"Sure!" I said.

"Whoo Hoo," the guys and my friends said and at the same time they said, " Jc's gotta girlfriend and Cj's gotta boyfriend!"

"So Jc, what do you wanna talk about?"I asked.

"About the e-mail" he answered and also he said that I was sweet and asked me out next Saturday to dinner.

I said yes and gave him my address. Then we kissed."wow" was what he said. Then we came out holding hands...

"Whoo hoo!" They said. We left and kissed in front of them.

"So whatdid you and your honey bunch do?" Parrisha asked.

I simply answered,"kiss."

"Ohhhh" the girls said. That was the best night of mylife...

"Jc, you have got it bad," Lance and Chris said at the same time. It was too bad for me and him because we had to go back to Calif(California) and the concert was in Florida. I was going to miss him bad...until we got back to Calif... We said our good byes after we got off the plane. I took a cab and got to my house I heard someone sing a song and it sounded like Jc...


Jc was there. "Jc what are you doing here?" Iasked him.

"I couldn't let go of you so I decided to live the rest of my life with you," but he wasn't finished, he took out a ring,"this isn't for marriage, but it soon will be, but for now I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, will you accept?" and he sang me the song he was singing a while ago. It was beautiful and only for me.

With a tearin my eye I answered 'yes' and hugged him hard to show that I never wanna let him go. For the next five years, we went steady until the big day and I answered yes. But why wouldn't I? Our marriage was great and I loved him. Our life was great and so was our two children...