It was December 2, 1998, in Indianapolis, IN. 'N Sync was in Kalamazoo, Michigan that night doing a concert, and I found out from a reliable source that they were coming to Indy that night and I knew the hotel name. (I will not say the hotel or how I found out, cause if you are a REAL 'N Sync fan you have skillz, and know where they are at on your own!) Anyways, my friend Deena was staying at the hotel with me. She's 21 and I am 16 so that's how I was able to keep the room. Anyways, I didn't go to the hotel until like 10pm, because I had to work that night..... we arrived there and instantly I hit on the man who worked at the hotel. His name was Henry, he was a 50 year old African American man. He gave me his phone number, and boy was he nasty, anyways, he helped me out. So I was working my charm and I whispered in his ear, are 'N Sync staying here tonight, and he looked me up and down and licked his lips and said yes, so instantly I was about to jump up and down, but I couldn't cause then they would think I was psycho! While all this was going on, my friend Deena was checking in, and I went over to her and told her that the boys were coming!! So after we went to the room we changed into more appropriate clothes, and looked the best for the boys!! We went down to the lobby at like 11:30 or something. We planted our butts down and played a million games of spades. We were lucky because there waw only 2 other fans there and they were like 12 or 9 or something, so no chance for then, hehehe. Oh by the way my name is Alayna. Then it was about like 1:30 am and here rolls up the 2 tour busses. The first person to come in was Lance. I looked at him and I just gasped because he looks SO MUCH BETTER IN PERSON!! I chatted with him for awhile cause we have a mutual friend. I also told him that he looked better in person, I couldn't believe I said that also, I kinda felt bad afterwards. Anyways, I ditched Lance because my HUSBAND JOEY came right to me and shook my hand and gave me a hug. I introduced myself and told him that he was my favorite, and I also said that my friends make fun of me because he's my favorite, and he asked me why, and I was gonna say because he's one of the least favorite, but I didn't want tot hurt his feelings, so I said I didn't know why. I also told him how we shared a moment at a concert in Chicago in JUly, 1998. I complimented him on his outfit and he kept calling me sweetie. He has some incredible eyes that kept looking me up and down, then he signed my CD cover, oh Lance signed it too. I also took pix with both Joey and Lance. Anyways, I chatted with him for awhile but then Chris came in so, I ditched Joey and went to Chris. He was friendly, but he was extremely tired so he signed my CD cover, and took a pic, and stayed for a minute but then he just went up to his room. Then after awhile Justin comes in...GOT DARN HE"S GOOD LOOKING!!!! I rolled up to him and asked him if it wasn't too much trouble could I have your autograph and a pic, and of course he was very polite and was like sure. He was also very tired and the security kept yelling at us that they had to leave, so it was a nice brief encounter. You all might be wondering where is JC in all of this well, let me tell ya... he walked right in past us and went up to his hotel room. Rude huh? There were only 4 girls there altogether, so screaming or anything, calm and collected girls. I dunno, I never really liked JC, so I didn't care much, neither did Deena cause she really isn't a fan of 'N Sync. So afterwards we went up to our rooms and then we were like lets go back down to the lobby if something else happens. So we went down there and I hit on the front desk man and we chatted with him for hours. Something awesome happened though. We were at the front desk and here rolls up Matt, CHRIS' FRIEND!! He had a complaint about his remote not working, after that I go "Hey you are with the 'N Syncers" and he was like yeah. I go who are you, and he said I'm Chris' friend. I was like well you can have our remote. SO we started walking to the elevator and he came up to our room. We were on the 5th floor and 'N Sync was on the 3rd floor. We chatted for awhile and I told him I like Joey and he told me little tid bits about the boys that I cannot share and he was very cool. I told him that he was quite attractive and we traded remotes cause their remote worked in our oom, and then I said may I touch your chest cause it looks really nice!! He chuckled and was like yeah, so I touched his chest very gently and then I said thank you and he smiled and left. Then we went downstairs again and we were at the front desk and the man who worked there was named Mike. Anyways, we finally went to sleep at 4am in the morning. Then I woke up at 8am, cause I knew the boys had a wake up soon. I went swimming first then I got ready. Deena got ready also and we walked around the hotel all morning. Then I met these girls named Shauna and Lindsay, and they were from Michigan and they followed the bus from MI, they are awesome!! I invited those total strangers up to stay in our room with us cause I'm nice. One time I went out to my car, and here rolls up a taxi, and there Justin was with his bodyguard. We walked by and said hi and he smiled and say Hey. Finally around 4:30 they went to their bus. Again JC walked by and didn't say a word. I didn't care much cause Joey was walking towards me. He had his superman contact in and I was freaking. I go may I have a pic of you with your contact and he goes "Only if your in the pic with me." I was like OK!!! He stayed with me and chatted and I love him!!! The Chris came and I was like you know you stole our remote last night and he goes that was you? And I was like yes and he goes I heard some things about you grabbing Matt's chest. Deena actually took the remote Matt gave us home. I have no clue where Lance was through all of this. Justin was on the bus and someone yelled at him to come out and he did. He had a tooth pulled or something so he couldn't smile very good. Then I ran out to the car and beat the boys to the venue. We waited outside and the first thing Joey saw was me and he waved!! Lance also noticed me. The rest of the boys just got off and went into the place. Over all the best boys to interact with are Joey and Lance!! Chris is cool also!! Then I waited around for the concert, it was awesome, but meeting them was 10 times better!!! Also, I would like to say that Joey's brother is very hot and very nice!! Anyways, thanks for letting me share my story!
Me and my friend were stayin at the Hilton. There were four hotels in the Hilton. We stayed at the Tapa Tower and 'N Sync stayed at I shouldn't say, anyway it was close by and it turned out they all came out and walked around. I saw Joey first cause he and one of the girls from the Wildflower were going clubbing that night. And the next day I saw Joey again. I think they all had to come out and walk to this conference thingy way on the other side of the Hilton Hawaiian Village so they have to get mobbed by the fans anyway. Well, that morning Joey came out and we got pictures and then he left and wouldn't take any more pictures with fans so we were lucky. Afterwards Lance came out with his father and of course we fans were everywhere but he was nice enough to take pictures with us and sign autographs. After Lance came JC. He was with his girlfriend. She was really pretty and nice too. He stopped to take three pictures and I was so lucky to be one of them (although my friend wasn't too happy about it.) Oh my gosh, he smelled so good and his hands were so soft. Ok, then Justin walked out with his mother and he wouldn't take any pictures with anybody, he just left. Then they left for the Probowl and we didn't catch them until later. About four hours later, Lance and Chris pulled up in a limo in the back of the hotel. And this time I got a picture with Chris, so that was good. We were on our way back, when we found out that JC, his girlfriend, Justin, his mother, Joey, his cousin, and Wild Flowers were having dinner at this Japanese restaurant. And as it turned out they walked out half an hour later. And I got a picture of Justin and his autograph. So everything turned out good. I met all of them, just enough to get pictures and autographs, although I would have liked it to be longer.