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Who Said That?


"I was so happy when I got my braces off. Thank God, they didn't affect my singing. I was always afraid that my "s's" would sound like "th's." I feel sorry for you kids with braces who get called 'tinsel teeth' and 'metal mouth'. But remember, someday you'll look a whole lot better. And if anyone makes fun of the way you talk, tell them to go to hell in a hand basket!

"I wish there was a rumor about me and a lot of girls. Let's start one!"

"Joey killed like 20 elmos and built a coat out of it."

"Alright, who took that 20 bucks from my pants pocket? I fell asleep on the plane and I woke up and there was 20 bucks missing and ya'll were grinning. I don't know who it was."

"Titanic 2--The Iceberg's View is gonna be an iceberg for about 2 1/2 hours then BOOM a ship and it's over...and maybe a couple of crying penguins"

"No...I'm just the most intelligent one of the band."

"Oh that's my hair man. That's au naturale. I was born with dreads. I wasborn with a weave."

"You find the wierdest comfortable positions. Luckily I am smaller than the other guys, so I've got my feet tucked into that airplane pocket. That is, until we get rich and famous and use first-class all the time."

"The worst feeling in the world is when you stick your hand in a bowl of jelly and you don't wash it off. Now that's a bad feel - it goes all sticky and crusty!"

"If we had auditioned everyone I don't think Joey would have made it."

"That would be a politically incorrect statement to make right now. We have no comment!"

"There's a storm coming. It's called El Nina!"

"I don't know what to judge my football talent on. Maybe in the group, I'm one of the top five."

"I make a lot of mistakes."

"Lance likes Tasmanian devils, I like large bills "

"We're trying to phase him out!" (referring to Lance)

"The funny thing about JC is.....well, say we're driving somewhere and we see a pretty girl on the sidewalk, the four of us will go, "Hey check out that girl".....and five minutes later JC will go, "Wow check out that dog. What kind is it?" He's nuts about dogs."

"He's albino." (referring to Lance)

"I'm in love with an alien!"

"YO! They've got free cheese in the dining room!"

"This is where we show our naked asses!"

"He's our favorite too!" (When asked how he feels about Justin's popularity."

"He designed dat? I'm gonna hit him in his head!"


"Joey has his own sense of style, which is cool at some points but at the other extreme REALLY BAD."

"Normally you gotta keep Chris away from sugar, cause he'll go nuts. We travel in a small bus, and he's like a hurricane."

"Cool! Just add water and POOF!"

"And Justin is putting a hot oil treatment on his hair as we speak."

"I'm just 'N Sync. Last night some guy passed by and said "Hey 'N Sync!" Uh, my name's Lance."

"I can't sleep with any light whatsoever. My cell phone has this little charger. It has this little itty-bitty light and I can see it when my eyes are closed and it bugs the heck out of me, so I have to have total darkness, unless there's a fireplace."

"Chat rooms are so cool, especially if you go into your own chat room and all the people are talking about you and you pretend you're somebody else!"

"PooFoo, PooFoo, where are you? Please come out and play!"

"You know what a pecan is right? Well, it is a nut, in a shell, and butter is butter, but it's sweet... NEVERMIND! Chocolate chip."

"I was skydivng once and hit a bird."

"I'm a beanie babyaholic!" (Thanks to Sarah Nelson for this one!)

"I take a shower every morning and sometimes every night, because I can't stand it when I'm dirty. I like to be clean. Mr. Clean."


"Whatever you do, I do it too. I think. I just don't play hopscotch."

"JC's just cheesy."

"Lance uses us like wild dogs-he holds us by the leash and waits for us to sniff people out and then he goes and meets them himelf!"

"Everyone breaks a little wind sometimes."

"I could bite my toenails, I don't want to but I could!"

"I don't have a superman tattoo on my butt, I swear!!!"

"Everything's cool, man."

"I have big nostrils because when I was younger I picked my nose."

"Justin is already the tallest! If he keeps growing he's going to look really strange."

"My wildest fantasy is a big pool of jello... That's all I'm saying... You know, hang out with a bunch of people in a pool of jello."

Yay, yay, yay, yay! I'm gonna pee my pants!"


"I'm-a-gonna go as a piece of luggage and I'm-a-see you and haaa."

"What do I like to do besides sing and dance? I like to sleep...and I don't get to do my hobby very often...THANK YOU!!!!!!"

"Everyone thinks I like to sleep. It's not that I like to sleep, it's that I don't like to get up! There is a difference."

"An interviewer asked me if I thought I was sexy. Actually, I don't give it much thought. Really I don't."

"Well I have to have a shower and while I'm in there I sing. It's like a full concert right there - it's Pavarotti!"

"We're hormonal, but we're morally grounded."

"I've always wanted to work with my hands."


"Joey bought this jacket that looks like a hydrogen peroxide chewbacca."

"So what we're trying to say is that JC's a clepto!!!"

"Joey's the most flirtatious but I don't know about romantic..."

"I'm Justin, and I'm 21....and...maybe not."

"I'm the cute one."

"He showers in his swimming trunks." (referring to Joey)

"I hope he doesn't puke on me. That would be really bad." (referring to Chris)

"I can only dog paddle."

"Fame is really funny. We were on the Regis & Kathy Lee show and some girl in the audience yelled out 'Justin! Sit on my lap!' Excuse me?! I don't know you!"

"She was talkin' about my man's dreads."

"Hey, I ain't got no one to daaaance with! That ain't right!"

"Ah, yeah, ya like that dontcha!"

"It's like butta baby!" "Men can actually be "softer" emotionally than women."

"Yo mama, you don't even know my name."

"Look Woman! If you don't know who you are calling, then why don't you hang up and call the number again."

What's your favorite quote?
