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All about Justin!

This page is all about Justin, so sit back and enjoy!

Vital Stats

Name: Justin Randall Timberlake
B-day: January 31, 1981
Born: Memphis Tennesse
Lives: Orlando
Height: 6'1
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair: Natural, it is brown. It is dyed Blonde.
Eyes: Blue
Religion: Baptist
Car: Red Mercedes-Benz
Shoe size: 11 1/2
Fave food: Pasta, cereal (Apple Jacks and Cap'n crunch).
Family: Mom Lynn, Dad Randy, Stepmom Lisa, Stepdad Paul, 1/2 brother Jonathan, 1/2 brother Stephen and a sister in sad!
Fave drink: Milk (We should get them in a milk ad!)
Fave ice cream: Chocolate Chip
Fave CD: Missy Elloit
Fave word: Crunk (means crazy)
Fave T.V. show: Friends
Fave movie: Scream, Usual suspects
Fave sport: Basketball
Fave team: Orlando Magic
---Before the band, he was in the Mickey Mouse Club! (MMC)
---Grumpy in the morning before his cereal! (hehehe, me too!)
---If he has trouble sleeping, he sings to himself
---Collects sneakers
---he got his first kiss in the sixth grade with a girl in the eighth grade at a party "it was like no 1 eles was there" he said.
---every time he sees something baby blue in a store he goes up to it and says "mine"
---if u have been to or seen n e of an nsync consert justin is always tuging up his pants so they don't fall down
---the most embarising thing that ever happened to him at a consert was when his pants fell down (that's probily y he's alway's tugning them up lol)
---his fav consert that he's gone to was the beach boys his first cd was michle jackson
---when he was little he would put pennut butter on his nose and have his dog lick it off he says he remembers doing that on a radio show in clieveland
---the most romantic thing he's ever done for his girlfriend was when he went over her house she was in the shower but her grandmother let him in n e way so he laied out a picnick in her room for when she got out of the shower

Quote: "Always stive to do your best, never give up."

If you have any more you think I should add, email me!

