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Have you ever noticed?

This page is for all the things that you or I have ever noticed on 'Nsync videos, music, pictures, etc. If you have any good ones, send em to me!

1. The blue plaid shirt Lance is wearing in the Disney interview, Justin is wearing later during a choreography run through.

2. Joey gets freaky in the Disney Special's when he is basically feeling himself up by putting his hand up his shirt! Eww eww!

3. In the "Tearin Up My Heart" video, Chris and Justin miss dancing moves, and Lance and Justin are singing the wrong lyrics. C'mon guys, get it together!

4. Lance barely sweats at all, while the other guys are making puddles on the stage!

5. Joey is imitating Chris, wearing his goggles and stuff in the "TUMH" vid.

6. "Thrustin' Justin" is havin fun in "You Got It" when he and JC do some quality pelvic thrusts.

7. Rueben, the guitarist, is mocking the guys singing in the beginning of the Disney performance of "IWYB." It is soooooo funny!

8. Joey crashes into Lance and drops his mic during "The View" performance.

9. Carson Daly has a little bit of an obsession with Lance. He can't stop touching him!

10. JC pushes Rueben, the guitar player out of his way during "Crazy For You" in the WDS. How rude!

11. During radio interviews they all like to talk at the same time.

12. Lance is the least shown in the videos.

13. Justin always wears such huge pants! I think just about the whole group could fit in them!

14. Lance tends to say "I mean" and "you know" a lot during interviews, you know what I mean?

15. Justin sings the "I feel it, with or without you" in the "TUMH" video, but his lips make an "eeeee" in the shot on the word "you" instead on an "oooo." Someone tell the bpy to get those words down!

16. In the Kathie Lee and Regis performance, JC misses his intro cue to sing.

17. During 'Sailing" on the Disney Channel Special, JC waves his hand behind him.

18. JC loses his glasses in the middle of the "Giddy Up" performance.

19. While they're pretending to be fighting in the "I Want You Back" vid, JC and the actress are accidently laughing.

20. Lance, JC, and Justin seem to be passing their WWJD bracelt around the group...all of them have been spotted wearing one of the same color in different instances.

21. JC's zipper is undone in the end of the Disney special, after Joey spins him around.

22. When Lance is talking about how they have been up all day rehearsing into the wee hours of the morning, Joey is behind him making funny faces, and Justin is rearranging his pants in the background!

23. Justin has a thing for sticking his tongue out, and J.C. looks like he's beckoning to you in his pictures!

24.In the Disney Summer Jam Concert, during Tearin' Up My Heart after J.C. sings "if you want me girl, let me know" they show Chris and Justin dancing and Justin slaps his butt.--From Julie--

25.)in the disney concert, it appears as though joey is humping the guitar player.(from Lana)

26.)in the disney concert, joey bumps butts with justin as justin looks at him with disgust.(from Lana)

27.)Have you ever noticed that Chris kicks the guy in front of him in the I Drive Myself Crazy video while Justin is singing at the table?(from jennifer)

28.)Have you ever noticed that in the Music of My Heart video that Lance didn't get to his spot on time and is behind the guys while they are singing. And Joey keeps looking at where he is suppose to be, and Justin stops putting movements in the song to watch him get to his right spot?(from jennifer)

*Brand Spanking New* -Updated2/26/00 In the Mix video
-From Deborah- 1. In the beginning of the tape, when they are on stage dancing at the Macy's performance, something is making Lance blush terribly. My friend thinks that one of the girls in the audience may have "flashed" him.

2. Joey very rarely laughs at all in the entire video. He smiles constantly, but never laughs. The other guys laugh all the time in the video.

3. Chris is always jumping on the guys. Yet he pays very little,practically no attention to any females on the tape.

4. On the interview portion of the tape: J.C., Justin and Joey always says "you know", Lance always says "um", and Chris always says "see".

5. Justin uses incorrect English in almost every interview he does. He needs to stop trying to use big words, because usually he's using them wrong.
6. At the radio station, when they are singing "Open House Party", Justin has his hand over Joey's mouth. When he pulls it away, he pulls his wrist back in a very awkward manner.

In the 1st Disney Concert
1.) If you look very, very closely, you will notice that J.C. is mad at Chris for some reason. You have to be knowledgeable about body language. Look at how he cuts his eyes at Chris or either completely ignores him. Then at the end of the concert when they're doing their bows, everyone is holding hands except for those two. They're holding the microphone.

