You walk through the main gates and find yourself standing at the beginning of a long hallway lined on both sides with doors. Beside each door is a small sign, like the one outside, describing (or else warning) what may be found on the other side. At the end of the hall is a door about twice the height of the others with a pure gold plaque hung beside it at eye level.
Cupid's Arbour
Beyond this door shalt be found a garden of limitless possibilities. The boundaries of which are defined by your imagination. Love is the only rule, and Peace, the only law.
The War Room
Pass ye through these doors and be warned. Ye shalt not find a land of merriment and gaiety. Through these doors lies a hell of hells. Wars are waged constantly, and pain and suffering, the norm. A million souls have been tortured in there afore ye and a million more will in future. Be warned, me friend... be warned!
The Throne Room
Ahhh... the throne room. I'm sorry, but uhh, you are not permitted in there... of course, I could make an exception... for a small fee...? Oh, alright, ya penny-grubber! I'll let ya in, but I warn ye, only the King's poems reside in the throne room, and ye better hope the kings aren't in there. I prithee, make haste in there, and disturb naught, they'll know, and have my head for it!