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Welcome to Happyglow.com, the Happiest Website! Everything here is meant to be fun, different, and something to keep you Amused!
Hi, I'm David Cropley, and this is my personal website, which has been set up to entertain most of my friends in their stressful studies at uni. When they really should be doing their assignments, they are really doing the polls, reading the babbles or making up false identities and signing my guestbook. |

Search for a word or phrase on the site and babbles!
New to Happyglow.com?
Above are a list of different places you can go at my site! If you want to have some fun, then go to my games section. Everybody enjoys the comic Jellybeans so i recommend going there. Feeling creative? Then contribute to the never ending story. If you want a good read, then the daily babble might interest you, or daveology. Don't forget to sign my Guestbook, and to try one of the links to one of my friends' sites.
Expected Events
As many of you already know, i have been concerntrating my current computer studies towards Graphical User Interfaces, which often come in the form of an Applet. I can get my Applets (little Java programs which you stick onto webpages) to work under all conditions EXCEPT on my Angelfire account! And i know this is no fault of Angelfire, and entirely my own. Never the less, those wishing to see my latest games can ask me for a copy on DISK and i'll give you one which you can take home, and even look at the code for. I'm looking into bringing new FLASH presentations to the site. Plus faster loading graphics. However, one must remember that this is my personal website, and all other things must come before this.