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Here are the updates I've done to my page!!

March 1, 2002-Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been super busy with college!!! There is a new set up in the Graphics section...hope you like it! :) Other than that, the Prince Hashem page is being completly re-done. I've aquired over 100 pictures of him, and they will all be up in the new version. My plan is to get it up within the next couple of weeks. If you would like to know when it is complete, please e-mail me: and I'll send you an e-mail when the page is up!!!

August 22-There are new pics in Prince Harry's latest news of him in Spain. I added some more new pics in Prince William's latest news under August 3rd and 4th. Also, there is a new set in the graphics page!!! *finally!* I have about 2 more sets that I just made that should be up soon! Enjoy!

August 7-More new pics in Prince Wills latest news.....they also include Harry though! :)

August 6-New pics in both Prince Wills and Prince Harry's Latest news sections.

August 4-HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEEN MUM!!!! New pics added to both Prince William and Prince Harry's latest news sections! :)

July 30-Added three new articles and EIGHTEEN new pics of Prince Harry in his latest news section! Enjoy!

July 28-Two new articles and a video in Prince Will's latest news.

July 20-More new pics added to Prince William's Latest News.

July 17-Three new pics of Prince Harry in his latest news as well as 6 new pics of Prince Wills in his latest news under July 16. Enjoy!

July 16-Added some new pics and an article under Prince William's Latest news.

July 13-Added 12 new pics and the Daily Mail 30-page article to Prince William's Latest news as well as an article from today.

July 12-Changed the format of Princess Diana's Tribute Page.

July 7-New pics in Prince Harry's latest news under June 9, June 23, and June 10th. Also, two new pics in Prince William's latest news under July 6 (they're from the June 24th polo match) and two new articles under July 7th about his trip to Africa. Enjoy!!! :)

July 5-New pics in Prince William's latest news! Thanks to Ela!!!

July 2-New article about Prince William visiting Princess Diana's grave in his latest news section!

July 1-New pic of William under June 24 and two new pics and an article under July 1 in his latest news section. The July 1st pics and article are about him and his blond friends. LATER-Added another new article to Prince William's latest news.

June 30-TONS of new pictures in Prince Harry's latest news and some new articles also!! Three new pics added in Prince William's latest news!!! ENJOY!!

June 24-New article in Prince William's latest news!!!!

June 21-HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY PRINCE WILLIAM!!!!!!!!! There are articles in his latest news section!!!! =)

June 19-Prince William is BACK from Africa!!! Check out his latest news section for more!!!

June 16-Re-formatted Prince Harry's page. Check it out!!

June 12-Wow!!!! It's been AGES since I updated!!! So sorry, but I was busy w/school!!! But now, expect some MAJOR updates within the next few weeks. For today, Prince William's page has been changed, I hope this look is much better. Also, the Artwork section has been added which currently is ONLY available through Prince William's page but will soon be added to all pages!!!!! It includes my drawings only right now. However, I would really appreciate it if thos artists out there would send in their drawings so I can put them up. E-mail me:

December 28-Added the Royal Christmas 2000 section to the British Royal Family Pages, and the Princes William and Harry Pages. Check them out, I've got tons of pictures!!! Hope you all enjoy them!

December 21-New pics of Prince Hashem and family doing their Omra in the Prince Hashem latest news section.

December 13-Another new video clip in the William in Chile section as well as about ten more new pictures!! Enjoy!

December 12-Night-All links are now FIXED!!! YEAHHHHH!!!! Thanks to the people who pointed them out to me! =) Also, more new pics in the William in Chile Pictures section!!! Afternoon-The William in Chile section is up. Also, changed the look of my William page. New pictures in the William in Chile pictures section. They're soooooo CUTE!!! Check them OUT!!!!! =)

December 10-Ok, my comp is REALLY screwing up so all the articles and videos I put up from Prince Willaim's trip to Chile were erased!!!!!!!! =( BUT, you can see the pics by clicking here.

December 5-New pics of Princes Hamzah and Hashem in their latest news. New pics of Prince Wills comming up!!!!!

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