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General Information

Full Name: H.M. King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein II

Occupation: King of Jordan

DOB: January 30, 1962

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Mother:Queen Muna (Toni Gardiner)

Father: the late king Hussein I

Wife: Princess Rania

Children: Prince Hussein, 4 and Princess Iman, 2.

Siblings: Faisal, 32, Zein, 30, and Aisha, 30.

1/2 Siblings: Alia, 43, Haya, 24, Ali, 21, Abir (adopted),25, Hamzah, 18, Hashim,17, Iman, 15, Raiyah,13.

Education:Massachusetts' Deerfield Academy, Sandhurst, and Oxford University.

Military Experience: Headed the Jordanian Special Forces.

Favorite Show: Star Trek: Voyager ( he appeared as an extra in one of the shows in 1996.)

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