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Below are interviews or articles on interviews on King Abdullah.

King Abdullah gave an interview on CNN on 5/3/99. If you would like to see the interview on the internet please go here. I don't know how long this link will be active, so you might want to see it soon. Below is an article from this interview.


AMMAN, MAY 4(PETRA)--His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Al-Hussein on Monday expressed high appreciation for the great support Jordan enjoys from all Arab brethren countries , in the forefront Saudi Arabia, Unieted Arab Emirates and other Gulf states.

In an interview with CNN the King talked about the remarkable relations between Jordan and Syria stressing the deep ties between the two countries .

His Majesty described, as a hard slap against the morals of those who wanted peace, the frustration due to the faltering peace process in the region . President Arafat has shown a great ethical courage to take the decision of statehood postponement, the King said. Regarding Jordanian palestinian relations, His Majesty affirmed that a bright future is to engulf these relations.

Following are exerpts from the interview:

"I believe in taking the steps of my father . His Majesty had warm and strong relations with the leaders of the Arab world , and it is clear that there is a need to improve these relations," the King said in responce to a question.

I was very warmly received in my visits to the Arab countries, but all Arab leaders I met expressed the great sorrow they feel for the loss of His Majesty, the loss of stability and reason His majesty bestowed on the region. So I did not feel that things depend on me only , but I felt that I carry my father's soul with me, he said.

His Majesty hailed Arab countries' support to Jordan, in the forefront Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates and the Gulf states. "It is clear that I study with the government how to specify the ways through which they would support us," the King said.

King Abdullah expressed happiness for the close relations with Syria . "Jordan and Syria have historic ties," he said.

Responding to a question regarding Israeli fears concerning His Majesty's visits to Arab countries, the King said that he is trying to have good relations with all parties.

His Majesty said that the whole world ,as well as the peoples of the region, are frsutrated due to the faltering peace process. He expressed his hope that following the Israeli elections, courage and determination to continue the peace process would prevail, regardless of the elections results.

Like the Jordanians and Palestinians, the Israelis believe that peace is the sole solution, the King said in responce about who will be beneficiary for peace Barak or Natanyahu. The King said that hopes raised following Wye River agreement, but seeing these efforts faltering leads to frustration. "This is a great slap to the morals of those who wanted peace," he affirmed.

President Arafat's credibility is completely clean, the King said. Arafat had a great ethical courage to take the decision of statehood postponement, we have to salute him for taking a very difficult decision, His Majesty said. He expressed his hope that the Israeli government will concentrate on the peace process. "I hope that the situation will be solved eventually very soon, His Majesty said.

The King affirmed that Confedration between Jordan and Palestine could be discussed following the achievement of peace between the Israelis and Palestinians.

Responding to a question regarding Iraq the King affirmed that setting the Jordanian house in order is a priority. He stressed that Jordan will not involve itself in other countries' internal affairs. He expressed his hope that a solution for the Iraqi crisis would be achieved.

His Majesty expressed Jordan's support to NATO and the American intervention against Serbia. "The situation in Kosovo stirrs all Jordanians' concern, he said. His Majesty stressed that Arab and Moslem wolrds appreciate USA and NATO support to Moslems in an ordeal.

The King said that, during his coming visit to USA, he is going to discuss with president Clinton the cancellation of Jordanian debts.

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