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Crown Prince Hamzah Makes a Military Tour

The Prince was briefed on the duties and tasks performed by each unit

April 21, 1999, 8:49 GMT

AMMAN (Petra) -- His Royal Highness Crown Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein called on the headquarters of the 12th Mechanized Division along with a number of frontline units.

His Highness was received by the Commander of the military division and a number of senior officers who accompanied him on his tour in the frontiers unit. The Prince was briefed on the duties and tasks performed by each unit.

The final stopover in the tour was Prince Hamzah 6th Artillery Battalion where the Crown Prince checked on an exhibition of weapons and equipment organized by the unit, and watched some activities performed by the battalion staff.

Prince Hamzah conveys Easter greetings to clergy, meets with interior minister

AMMAN (Petra) — HRH Crown Prince Hamzah, the Regent, on Sunday conveyed Easter greetings and good wishes to Jordan's Christian communities from His Majesty King Abdullah.

The Regent said during his visit to Christian leaders gathered at the Episcopal Evangelical head office in Amman: “We are following in the footsteps of the late King Hussein in our policy regarding all citizens and communities in Jordan which form a united family.”

Bishop Riyah Abul Asal, head of the Episcopal Evangelical Church, delivered an address expressing gratitude and appreciation of the Jordanian leadership's concern and care for Christian communities. He said the visit exemplifies the close ties that binding the leadership to all Jordanians. He expressed the Christian communities' allegiance to the Hashemite leadership and conveyed best wishes to King Abdullah and the Crown Prince. He said their efforts to maintain and strengthen Jordan's relations with the Arab World were appreciated by all.

Abul Asaal expressed the Christians' hope for a comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.

Accompanying the Regent on the visit were Acting Prime Minister Marwan Hmoud, Lower House Deputy Bassam Haddadin, Chief Islamic Justice Sheikh Izzeddine Al Khatib Al Tamimi, Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Abdul Salam Abbadi, Minister of Finance Michel Marto and other members of Parliament and senate and prominent Christian community figures.

During a meeting at the Ministry of Interior on Monday, the Regent said Jordan has overcome the difficulties that faced the country following the passing away of His Majesty King Hussein. He said Jordan will achieve its aspriations and ambitions by rallying behind the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah.

The Regent, who met Minister of Interior Nayef Qadi, governors and senior ministry officials, said Jordan will not allow anyone to interfere in its internal affairs nor to influence its march.

Prince Hamzah called on all Jordanians to exert every effort to achieve Jordan's goals and enhance its march.

Qadi briefed the Crown Prince on his ministry's strategy, which focuses on providing comprehensive security.

The Regent and Qadi visited the Public Security Department (PSD), where Prince Hamzah was received by its Director Lt. Gen Nasouh Muhieddin. The director briefed him on the PSD's structural organisation and its duties. Prince Hamzah also visited the Civil Defence Department (CDD) where he was briefed by its director, Lt. Gen. Theeb Al Maani, on the department's services to citizens.

Crown Prince, officials discuss King's visit to Saudi Arabia

AMMAN (Petra) — HRH Crown Prince Hamzah, the Regent, on Saturday held talks at the Prime Ministry with senior officials on His Majesty King Abdullah's recent visit to Saudi Arabia.

During the meeting, Prince Hamzah was briefed by acting Prime Minister Marwan Hmoud on the results of the King's trip, which aimed at strengthening and developing bilateral relations.

The Regent also was briefed on the government's plans to deal with the country's economic, water and agricultural situations, as well as efforts to combat poverty and unemployment.

Prince Hamzah praised the government for giving the utmost priority to such issues and stressed the need to implement the directives in the King's letter of designation to the government by developing comprehensive plans to meet the nation's needs.

Also attending the meeting was Deputy Prime Minister Ayman Majali.

Later on Saturday, the Regent inspected the headquarters of the Armed Forces, where he held talks with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Field Marshal Abdul Hafez Mira'i Kaabneh and other senior military officials.

Also Saturday, Prince Hamzah, deputising for King Abdullah, opened the sixth meeting of Arab students studying in Jordanian universities at Al Karameh Scout Camp.

During the meeting, organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and public and private universities, the Regent discussed a number of issues with the participants.

At the end of the event, attended by a number of deputies and officials, Minister of Youth and Sports Mohammad Kheir Mamsar presented a gift to Prince Hamzah.

Prince Hamzah celebrates 19th birthday today

AMMAN (J.T.) — HRH Crown Prince Hamzah Ben Al Hussein, who is currently studying at Britain's Sandhurst Military Academy celebrates his l9th birthday today.

Born in Amman on March 29, l980, Prince Hamzah, is the eldest of the late King Hussein's four children from his marriage to Her Majesty Queen Noor. The Crown Prince received his early education at Amman's International Baccalaureate School. He went on to England to earn his general certificate for secondary education at Harrow.

He also attended various military training courses on para-trooping wings, counter terrorism, special forces and standard infantry and is Jordan Armed Forces sniper qualified.

He often accompanied his father, the late King Hussein, on foreign visits and attended numerous pan-Arab and international conferences in King Hussein's company.

Prince Hamzah's interests include fencing, scuba diving, shooting, judo, fishing, skiing, water sports and flying.

He also won numerous religious prizes, including the “Dome of the Rock” Award by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs in 1990 and a history prize from Harrow. Prince Hamzah has been decorated with the Al Hussein Gold Medal for Achievement and Wissam Al Khawkab Al Urduni.

Prince Hamzah was designated Crown Prince in accordance with a Royal Decree issued on Feb. 7, 1999.

Hamzah, Hussein's Favorite, is Jordan's Crown Prince

AMMAN (Agencies) -- Prince Hamzah bin Hussein, named as Jordan's new crown prince on Sunday, is the fourth and favorite son of King Hussein, who died of cancer on Sunday.

Nudged into the spotlight by his father -- just as the king was himself groomed for power as a child by his grandfather King Abdullah -- the 18-year-old prince was increasingly seen at the monarch's side in his meetings with foreign leaders.

The eldest son of King Hussein's fourth wife, the American-born Queen Noor, Hamzah's youth and sheltered education outside Jordan means he remains largely unknown to most Jordanians. But King Hussein, in the last years of his life, dropped repeated hints he would one day like his tall, dark-haired young son to follow in his footsteps.

"The king sees Hamzah as an extension of himself," a senior royal court official said, explaining the monarch's attachment to the prince who stayed by his sickbed in the United States last year throughout the king's six-month cancer treatment.

After Hussein's dramatic replacement of his younger brother Prince Hassan as heir last month with his eldest son Abdallah, followed swiftly by the king's death and Abdallah's ascent to the throne, Hamzah is Jordan's third crown prince in two weeks.

In a letter setting out his reasons for dismissing Hassan the ailing king wrote glowingly about Hamzah while barely mentioning Abdallah, his choice of heir.

"Hamzah, may God give him long life, has been envied since childhood because he was close to me," Hussein said. "I have been touched by his devotion to his country and by his integrity and magnanimity as he stayed beside me."

Parallels between Hussein and Hamzah are striking. They were sent away to study at the same private British boarding school, Harrow, before enrolling for army training at Sandhurst military academy. Jordanian observers also draw parallels between the influence they say Queen Noor showed in promoting Hamzah with the role played by King Hussein's mother Queen Zein, who helped ensure the throne passed to the teenage Hussein in 1952.

King Hussein himself conspicuously made the connection with Hamzah in an open letter in September 1997, when the prince marked his 18th birthday according to the Muslim calendar.

"I recall that God's will decreed that I should take over constitutional powers in the service of the nation when I was your age today," King Hussein wrote. "I pray to the Almighty that you remain an Arab, Muslim Hashemite and the delight of your father's eye." On Saturday Hamzah and his brothers emerged from the hospital where their father lay dying and plunged into the crowd of well-wishers to accept their sympathy.

Despite his increasing public appearances Hamzah has given little insight into his political convictions. One rare exception was in an exchange of views via e-mail with a leading critic of King Hussein's rule, particularly his 1994 peace treaty with Israel which remains unpopular with many ordinary Jordanians who deeply distrust the Jewish state. Hamzah gave a spirited defense of his father's policies. Hamzah was born in Amman on March 29 1980. His early schooling was in Jordan but he moved to England to attend Harrow boarding school. He is currently enrolled at Sandhurst military academy.

He has attended various military training courses and lists interests which include fencing, shooting, judo, fishing, skiing, water sports and flying.

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