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Tonight's episode was devastating...not as terrible as last year's birthday disaster but devastating nonetheless 0:-)

I have to say - the more we learn about the Council, the worse they appear. They're just a bunch of stuffy old white men who sit around all day reading old Watcher Lore and studying the Codex. They are so mean to poor Giles and don't even invite him to their little Watcher thing - which BTW is pretty rude. Then they drop in once Buffy turns 18 and convince Giles to infect her with this awful drug that drugs her (as drugs are wont to do) and abandon his beloved charge to some crazed vampire.

That awful old white man made this whole "rite of passage" seem so important but its really not - I mean the whole point of being a Slayer is to survive!!! This was the Watcher's version of Slayerfest 98 - in a sicker way since they convinced the person Buffy trusts most to turn against her.

The relationship between Buffy and Giles is so important, so tangible and real that the corruption we saw tonight turns the whole BtVS world askew - suddenly Buffy is not the beloved Slayer - she is not out there staking vamps and "being the good one." She is now the hunted - the prey - the one with a stake pointed at her heart 0:-(

What that council did to Giles is unbelievable - Rite of Passage or not he should not have submitted to that awful torture. How heart breaking was it when Buffy was trying to hint to Giles that she wanted him to take "his Slayer" to the Ice Show? 0:-(

And then he is fired for trying to redeem himself? Although he showed up too late to have actually saved Buffy - he did show up and had some pretty ugly bruises to show for it 0:-( That Council is so terrible...there are just some things which BtVS doesn't explain and this is one of them.

What about that vampire? He was so scary *shudder* How can drugs continue to affect him now? I always thought death would erase all of the pain and fear? This guy seems to have remembered all of his life's occurences - unlike other vamps who die and then let the demon take over 0:-P AND he even continued his whole photo shooting - with Joyce of all people!!! *LOL* It was like a scene out of a really bad pr0n or scary video thing - there she is strapped down and scared out of her mind while he moves around shooting different angles and scenes. *shudder* And what about the whole being immune to crosses? I thought all vamps were terrified of crosses although soem could bear them more than otehrs...although I suppose he could be a sadomasochist - I mean he did kill his mother and did spend a lot fo time in that shrinky place 0:-) And he did mention his motehr doing something *really bad* with scissors. I suppose the deomn could ahve entered his body even before he left...

On the bright, touching side - we saw Angel again. He was with Buffy and they talked. He told her of the first time he saw her in front of her school - when she was called. He said he loved her "because I could see your heart. You held it before you for everyone to see, and I worried that it would be bruised or torn. More than anything I wanted to keep it warm it with my own." Buffy of course ruined it by saying that taken literally, it was "incredibly gross." Comic relief was kept to a minimum this eppie though (thank god) and I'm sure there was more than one wet eye in the audience.

The only comic relief were Willow's retarded hats - remember the purple one from last year? I thought she was over it them by now but I guess not - her yellow hats are so garish and scary *shudder*

And what about Cordelia this eppie? She was being Cordy and beating up that guy - ineffectually but still beating him up to save Buffy 0:-) What do you think hurt her more? The actual bruises or the bruises to her ego? *lol* What about the whole peanut butter jar? Xander was funny 0:-)

So yeah - go ahead and Post. Discuss - Enjoy

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