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This was yet another one of those hodge podge efforts to create BtVS history. I don't know what got into them this week. Perhaps they read my rants. Perhaps everyone complained about the lack of resolution in these stories. Perhaps they were just bored. *shrug*
The only thing I know is that this one episode managed to destroy almost every single myth, old story line and hope I have ever had.

Initial all-encompassing Bashing of A Stupid Idea:

Homecoming. Its been done. Buffy will never have a normal life. Cordelia will always try out for pageants. The two should not get mixed up. All of a sudden Cordelia is being evil and mean and hurting people again while Buffy mopes around trying to uderstand why she can never have a normal life. 0:-P to their stupidity. There was so much stupid tension between Buffy and Cordelia about the pageant. They were so angry and so upset adn you could almost get into it - until you remember what they are dying over 0:-P SQUARED!!! They SUCK!!! I'm glad they didn't win the pageant they both had stupid dresses and Cordelia's tan is lasting way too long.

On with the rampage:

Number One: We finally meet the Mayor but he's not scary at all. He's a drugged up obsessive compulsive short man with this cheery smile and handiwipes fetish. All I have to say is: This guy BETTER be an alien or something "not right" Blah to his total suckage and the way his employer groveled before him. That lunatic should be locked up and his secratary needs courses in self esteem. All I can say is: the show had a perfect opportunity and they wasted it.

Number Two: Angel's heart is crushed. I can't help it - I still sympathise with the guy. He's been to hell and back in the name of love. The poor guy suffered so much and now that he's with his girlfriend she tells him that there's someone new in her life. She says their relationship will never work and the friends he thought he had would not understand his return. She selfishly keeps him hidden away and assuages her conscience by bringing him packets of blood. The pained look on his face when she told him they could never be together broke my heart.

Number Three: Scott breaks up with Buffy. Where did that come from? What caffeinated writer said "Oh I know what would be a great idea: lets have Buffy be single again." How could they do this? I mean sure I didn't mind the breaking up that much because I never got really attached to him anyway. He looked so young and just didn't have the gravity Angel possesses. My problem was that the breakup came out of nowhere. One moment they're going to Homecoming Land - the next her title as "Force of Nature #1" is revoked and he's walking away. You kinda feel sorry for Buffy but you know she deserves it too.

Number Four: While I'm on the walking away subject: WHERE HAS BUFFY'S WARDROBE MANAGER RUN OFF TO? Remember back when Buffy was the coolest dressed chick out there? She always looked great and even while dying she still had an elegant sexuality. Now she's like neuter girl in pink and purple. Pink and purple don't even match. Willow is slowly becoming the best dressed character which is sad because Buffy and Cordelia used to look so great.

Number Five: The kiss. Period. The Kiss. WHERE THE HELL DID THIS KISS COME FROM? Two seasons ago we would have been happy. Now we're in a daze. Just when you think Willow and Xander have their issues resolved this happens!!! How??? Even from a technical point of view it doesn't make sense. Charisma Carpenter is leaving next season so I guess her breaking up with Xander is inevitable. But Willow and Oz - werewolf boy? Besides his universal appeal Oz is now a regular member of the cast. What is he supposed to do for the next five years? Play at school functions?
From an emotional point of view it doesn't make much sense either. Sure Xander and Willow have that past between them. Sure they might have once been a twosome of cuteness - but things have moved on. Xander is now an arrogant jerk and Willow a practicing witch. They are no longer compatible! And that kiss! *eugh* Why did it last so long? *sigh* Lets see what stupid ideas the writers will come up with next to validate that kiss.

Number Six: Slayerfest '98 Awesome idea!!! Its been done before but not on BtVS. The idea was great - Mr. Trick was back and the medley of bad guys was pretty cool. I like the hodege podge of characters and think this episode would have been so much better if it had centered solely on this angle. Imagine a whole hour devoted to a pair of kidnapped Buffy/Cordelia who are lost heaven knows where and can't get back to civilization. It would have been a classic. BUT NO - even that had to be ruined!
They get back to Sunnydale within the hour - a couple of guys are dead and a cabin has been blown up. Pretty impressive. But then they get home and go to the Homecoming dance! HOMECOMING!!! Meanwhile Giles is drugged, Faith is doing nothing but looking trashy and listening to loud music while Willow and Xander try to avoid each other. There was so much...uselessness and futility there!!!

Number Seven: This episode just sucked. I am so upset...Post Away.

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