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Mrs. Angel 0ctag0n's Wish

Oh my God...I just watched The was...I'm could? Wow...I'm actually tingling...that was amazing - maybe if I watch all BtVS eppies post-two in the morning by myself I will continue to be amazed 0:-)

That was amazing...although I still don't understand why Buffy hadn't shown up in Sunnydale - despite the wish it turns everything else helter skelter. *frown* But ignoring that part - the episode was marvelous...Buffy the Vampire Slayer is once again The Show.

Where should I even begin to gush?

Angel was dusted! That was worse than anything I'd ever seen before. Seeing that guy leave next season is going to be so hard...I've really come to like him and his brooding. Poor little "puppy," I couldn't believe Willow was doing such terrible things to him...the ashes, the candle - the very STRADDLING!!! (OT but doesn't it really look like the writers are boning up on fanfic? A lot of what I am seeing this season sounds remarkably like what I read this summer.)

And Willow - Ms. All of A Sudden Sex Symbol! I remember the days back when if you said Willow was a hottie people would laugh and run away - a la Harmony. All of a sudden she's wearing leather - yet looking funny in it - what was the with the little lacy cups? She looked so weird - and the vamped out Willow *shudder* Not pretty at all. But still, she was running around straddling Angel, feeling up on Xander and getting The Master's Keys from heaven knows where. And the Cordy death! Awful!!!

Was it me or was that almost orgasmic? Cause it could be just me seeing stuff but *frown* That was sick!!!

Xander - spurned spud/dud turned vamp - pretty cool, pretty uncaring - alot like the Xander during Dead Man's Party who so many people disliked (I'm still flashing back to those stupid zombies). He was pretty believable as a character but I think Spike played a much better head honcho 0:-) Drusilla's insanity cancels out Willow's wickedness any day. "I like this part." "You like every part."

The Master. He was of course the first thing I thought of as soon as I heard the whole "No Buffy in Buffyland" promo. I have so many questions though. If there is a Master - then wouldn't Hell be open? Wouldn't the world be filled with all of those icky monsters who were trying to swell out of the ground the last time Buffy killed him? And if there was no Buffy but Willow and Xander are the new "favorite vamps" where is Darla? The girl/vamp was his "favorite for 400 years." You don't forget something like that just 'cause the class brain and the "academically dangerous" Xander Harris roll into town!

And since when is The Master GAY??? He's sitting there, sipping what looked suspiciously like some coffee mocha gay thing out of a tiny little cup!!! Oh gross! And he's a Mad Scientist now. *lol* The dude lives under ground forever, finally breaks loose and look at what he does - he devises a way to suck the blood out of everyone - very cute, nice for show-and-tell but completely impractical!!! DO THE MATH!!! Kill 100% of humans food left tomorrow. *slapping forehead* This is what "Mr. Humanity has been burned out of me" and "I have no hair for it signifies ties to the human race" does in his spare "non-slayer" time? I am most unimpressed...

But I'm ranting and I really loved this episode. Well - okay except for that demon in the opening sequence...he was so icky and tentacly *yuck* and then they stab him, green stuff oozes and next thing you know everyone is hanging out on a bench eating sans washing of hands!!! I don't know about you but I kill a fly and I won't eat anything until my hands have been properly sanitized (or at least rinsed *lol*)

But I'm being Rant Girl again 0:-) I really dug the way the alternate Buffy wore carpenter pants and neutral colors - nice, safe, comforting - in a "I'm a bitter teenager" sort of way. After checking out this Slayer and seeing how Faith is I see why so many Slayers die young - face it - you give a teenager responsibility and a crossbow *phoooshhhhh* They're gone - unless they're Kendra *universal aungh* who was so dern cute and reponsible - in a "don't hug me sort of way"

I really liked how they tried to incorporate so many eppies into one show though. Oz is finally dusting...although he killed Willow which I thought was heartbreaking. I love Oz - I love his perception and level headedness. Remember the beginning when he was telling Willow the only reason she wanted to talk was so she would feel better? It was reminiscent of when she wanted to make out but he didn't want to. 0:-) Mr. Percepto Guy

What else? Cordy is really pretty - we hadn't seen it in a while but it really stood out this time around. The girl is a hottie 0:-) Anyone else see how she wore the same shoes to school and later that night to The Bronze? 0:-) Very silly although I felt really bad for her when Harmony told her to date that loser dude with the Super Sized drink.

And that demon chick *roflmbo* she looked kinda like Jenny when she was possessed remember? *aungh for Jenny* And she had that cool gold tunic on when she approached Giles at the end. *lol* I wonder if she's going to be stuck as a teenaged girl now that her powers are gone though? That would be so funny! She can go hang out with the trophy in the cheerleader case. *hehe*

This episode gave me a happy though. I'm not usually very into eppies that cancel themselves out and watching them in the end is like never having watched anything at all because no one remembers (like X-Files this week) btu this was different - this was fun.

So yeah - the episode rocked - it might have even been better than last week's 0:-) If you haven't done so already *giggle* go Post. I wish it...

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