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The "Boy Who Had No Cool"
"It must be hard when all your friends have like superpower, Slayer, Werewolf, Witches,Vampires and you're like this little nothing. You must feel like Jimmy Olson."

...Although the new annoying Cordelia was very correct in saying that Xander isn't such a big part of slaying - lets face it the last time we saw that guy get some action *eg* was when he was an undead vampire smooching on Willow. And his driving skills! "your car came out of nowhere" "i was parked" How funny was that?

All right - I'm going to cut right to the chase - the biggest thing about this episode was Xander & Faith's Happy. The guy always did have a thing for Slayers but I always figured he'd just stay a virgin, shack up with Cordy in the backseat of her car or *shudder* get it on with Wil.

So yeah they had sex - but that was it! Unlike Buffy and Angel's whole angst and Willow's clumsy music and ambiance - Xander's "first time with other people" was quick and to the point. Sure we saw him and Faith roll around a bit in bed and although it wasn't as ambiguous as the whole Buffy/Angel thing it was still pretty contrived... "I'll steer you around the curves" I guess Xander must not have lasted long cause as soon as they were over Faith kicked him out undressed and stuff...Where the heck did that come from??? I mean yeah sure callous Faith and stuff but *frown*

I think Xander should have seen right through her and turned her down. The funny thing was that he didn't seem upset about the way she treated him - he was happy and focusing on the "important thing" *lol* Silly Xander - although I guess this saves him from being eaten alive by any other praying mantises though huh?

Anyone else notice there was an apocalypse thing going on? Yep - the world was ending during half the episode - very poorly done and should definitely have been saved for another day 0:-) There was angst and a lot of emotion between Buffy and Angel (remember when Xander busted in?) and Willow was running around doing spells and stuff...and Giles did something that Buffy said was the bravest thing she'd ever seen but still...we really had no idea what it was... The lines that summed it up best was when Giles was on his way to contact those cementary spirit guides and he comes back "All we know is that the fate of the entire world rests on-did you eat all the jellies?" Very funny 0:-) The world was ending, Buffy was "not laughing" and Willie's place was trashed - things were going down but we never knew what they were! I mean sure Sunnydale is routinely almost sucked into hell and stuff but I for one would have liked to see the ugly monsters 0:-)

Speaking of ugly monsters - Xander's new gang buddies. Dead for months and back to watch that Texas Walker Ranger show. I for one do not think I am obsessed enough to ask about my TV show as soon as I am revived *humph* I'd ask about my webpage *giggle*

It was really nice of that last-to-die-guy to raise his friends although if they were my friends I would have probably just let them stay dead. *shrug* I mean they were raised - drove around and then got decapitated, torn apart, eaten by a werewolf, etc. It just wasn't their night. I have a question though - who was this mysterious uncle who raised Jack? Think it could have been the mayor? That would have been really cool!

All I know is there is too much rampant magic running through Sunnydale...and there are guns too! All of those guys died in horribly tragic and painful ways - ways that we've never seen in Sunnydale before - I mean whenever Buffy crusies around we see nice quiet streets - nights are a different matter all together - but still this seemed like a nice hidden place that suffered from a lot of mortal moonsters...I never thought there were actual bullies and gangs and drive byes!!! 0:-)

And baking a cake? This is my new slang term 0:-)

Go have fun! Post!!!

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