<html> <!--Generated by Angelfire: L00S00--> <head> <title>Welcome to My Poem Page</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#ffdead" text="#000000" link="#2400ff" vlink="#405961"> <basefont size="4"> <div align="center"> <!--Header--> <h4 align="center">Welcome to My Poem Page</h4> <!--EndHeader--> <!--Freetext--><P> <img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif"> Weeping Willow <P> Weeping Willow why must you weep? <P> Your beautiful branches curve as to form the shape of an umbrella, <P> Perhaps weeping is what you do best? <P> Perhaps your branches are there to protect us from the sunlight? <P> Your beauty takes my breath away, <P> The wind softly blows your leaves and gently sweeps them off, <P> To a land of pleasure they will fly. <P> your stance is unbeatable, none other can compare with your grace. <P> Oh weeping willow you are not really weeping at all. <P> instead you are a protector to all that is around you. <P> PS Love Corkie <P> (c) 12-29-1998 <P> <img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif"> T'IS TS <P> T'is TS that I have or TS has me, <P> I walk my way through life not knowing what I might do next, <P> I laugh until I cry with deep sorrow; <P> my life is troubled; my body is confused to what it's role is, <P> I get crazy mad and I am always sad my TS is controlling my feelings, <P> shan't I feel in control? <P> No say I, the time is near to walk on the thin line I fear for my life, <P> What will I do next? <P> I love, I hate, I do not really love or hate, <P> I feel nothing at times, and I feel more then you all of the time, <P> I go to sleep just to dream of being in control, <P> There I feel My troubled soul is growing weary, <P> change has to come 'Tis TS that is the matter with me. <P> PS LOVE CORKIE <P> (c)12-30-98 <p><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif"> My Child <p> My child I love you so much, <p> I raised my child with unconditional love, <p> I filled my child with please and thank you, <p> I told my child how to choose the right path, <p> I taught my child of Gods everlasting love, <p> <p> Little did I know my love would be tested, <p> My child grow up and change took place, <p> My child turned away from God, <p> My child turned his anger onto me, <p> With one closed hand my child hit me, <p> <p> What am I to do; all I see is anger, <p> Twisted faith and loath in place of love, <p> His eyes filled with confusion, <p> A heart full of strange rage and hate, <p> What happened to my child, <p> <p> Now what is a mother to do, <p> I am scared of my child now, <p> I do not know what path to take, <p> Should I keep him away, <p> Or should I let him in, <p> <p> My child has did himself in, <p> My child has emptied my love, <p> My child has changed me, <p> My love is there still, <p> My heart humbled. <p> P.S. Love Corkie <p> (c) 1-10-1999 <p><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif"> " OH MY LAWN " <P> Oh lawn oh lawn how do I see thee Growing there so pretty and green Growing with love and full of gleam I water and I mow you "Now remember " I scold you "If you drink into your root's " "I won't walk on you with my boot's" <P> Dance to the musical wind Basking with all your friend's Watching the children play Hopeing the dogs stay away <P> "Oh no could it be" you see That mangy mutt is going to pee "Use me as a toilet" you cry "Now I turn yellow" you sigh <p> Oh lawn oh lawn how do I see thee Growing there so pretty and yellow "You are special" this I bellow Look everyone my grass is yellow. <P> PS Love Corkie <P> (c) 1998 <P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif"> Who am I , <P> but a shadow of what I am to become, and mearly a child growing in fath <P> the triles are hard for me, the pain I suffer is great <P> why must it be me oh Lord, the one to learn the hard way <P> crying is a good thing, crying untill I am sick is not <P> what is to become of my soul, when I leave this world <P> my mind cluderd my soul in pain, stumbling through this great domain <P> take me now oh Lord, for if I am to go at all <P> one more day here can take it all, why I will never be the same again <P> P.S. Love Corkie <P> (C)1998 <P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif"> <p> </CENTER> <P> <!---start of THE PROMOTER html code---> <div align="center"><center><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td valign="top"><a href="http://www.tila.com/promote/cool/ads.map" target="_top"><img src="http://www.tila.com/cgi-bin/ads/ads.pl?ID=cool&page=0" width="468" height="60" border="0" ismap></a></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" bgcolor="#000000"><p align="center"><a href="http://www.thepromoter.com" target="_top"><img src="http://www.thepromoter.com/_borders/banner.gif" border=0></a><img src="http://www.thepromoter.com/_vti_bin/fpcount.exe/promote/?Page=default.htm|Image=4" width="1" height="1"></td> </tr></table></center></div></p> <!---end of THE PROMOTER html code---> </CENTER> <P> This page was updated on Feb. 20,1999<!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--Links--> <font size="5">Links</font> <p> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/in/tourettesyndrome/index.html">Click here to go to my home page on angelfire</a><br> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/in/tourettesyndrome/links.html">Click here to go to my Links Page</a><br> <a href="http://www.angelfire.com/in/tourettesyndrome/storiesold.html">Click here to go to my Older Stories</a><br> <p> <!--EndLinks--> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> <!--Email--> <center>Email: <a href="mailto:corkief@hotmail.com"> corkief@hotmail.com</a></center> <!--EndEmail--> </div> </body> </html>