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<h4 align="center">Welcome to My Poem Page</h4>

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Weeping Willow
Weeping Willow why must you weep?
Your beautiful branches curve as to form the shape of an umbrella,
Perhaps weeping is what you do best?
Perhaps your branches are there to protect us from the sunlight?
Your beauty takes my breath away,
The wind softly blows your leaves and gently sweeps them off,
To a land of pleasure they will fly.
your stance is unbeatable, none other can compare with your grace.
Oh weeping willow you are not really weeping at all.
instead you are a protector to all that is around you.
PS Love Corkie
(c) 12-29-1998
<img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif">

                   T'IS TS
T'is TS that I have or TS has me,
I walk my way through life not knowing what I might do next,
I laugh until I cry with deep sorrow; 
my life is troubled; my body is confused to what it's role is,
I get crazy mad and I am always sad
my TS is controlling my feelings,
shan't I feel in control?
No say I, the time is near to walk on the thin line
I fear for my life,
What will I do next?
I love, I hate, I do not really love or hate,
I feel nothing at times, and I feel more then you all of the time,
I go to sleep just to dream of being in control,
 There I feel
My troubled soul is growing weary,
 change has to come
'Tis TS that is the matter with me.
<p><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif">
My Child
My child I love you so much,
I raised my child with unconditional love,
I filled my child with please and thank you,
I told my child how to choose the right path,
I taught my child of Gods everlasting love,
Little did I know my love would be tested,
My child grow up and change took place,
My child turned away from God,
My child turned his anger onto me,
With one closed hand my child hit me,
What am I to do; all I see is anger,
Twisted faith and loath in place of love,
His eyes filled with confusion,
A heart full of strange rage and hate,
What happened to my child,
Now what is a mother to do,
I am scared of my child now,
I do not know what path to take,
Should I keep him away,
Or should I let him in,
My child has did himself in,
My child has emptied my love,
My child has changed me,
My love is there still,
My heart humbled.
P.S. Love Corkie
(c) 1-10-1999
<p><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif">
Oh lawn oh lawn how do I see thee
Growing there so pretty and green
Growing with love and full of gleam
I water and I mow you
"Now remember " I scold you
"If you drink into your root's "
"I won't walk on you with my boot's"
Dance to the musical wind
Basking with all your friend's
Watching the children play
Hopeing the dogs stay away
"Oh no could it be" you see
That mangy mutt is going to pee
"Use me as a toilet" you cry
"Now I turn yellow" you sigh
Oh lawn oh lawn how do I see thee
Growing there so pretty and yellow
"You are special" this I bellow
Look everyone my grass is yellow.
PS Love Corkie
(c) 1998

<P><img src="http://www.angelfire.com/ma/lissaannapage/images/rose103.gif">
Who am I ,
but a shadow of what I am to become,
and mearly a child growing in fath 
the triles are hard for me,
the pain I suffer is great
why must it be me oh Lord,
the one to learn the hard way
crying is a good thing,
crying untill I am sick is not
what is to become of my soul, 
when I leave this world
my mind cluderd my soul in pain,
stumbling through this great domain
take me now oh Lord,
for if I am to go at all
one more day here can take it all,
why I will never be the same again
P.S. Love Corkie

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This page was updated on Feb. 20,1999<!--EndFreetext-->

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<center>Email: <a href="mailto:corkief@hotmail.com"> corkief@hotmail.com</a></center>
