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Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu

Turthfully, I'm still not sure why I bought this game. I wasn't planning on buying it when I first heard about it. I wasn't planning on buying it when I entered the store and yet somehow I ended up bringing the game out with me. Anyways getting beyond that this game is based more along the lines of the animated series and not the comic books so it isn't going to follow the story in the books. The main boss(Sin Tzu, what a surprise right?) is a new character actually being introduced in the video game before he makes an appearance in the comic books which I thought was kind of cool. Another nice thing is that they have all the voices from the animated series in the game and the graphics look pretty good and that's about where the positives end. The first thing about this game is that it's like an old Double Dragon beat'em up game. Which first off isn't really the way Batman has been portrayed. The second problem is that pretty much all the levels are on a time limit and it's not just a overall time limit but you have to save a certain number of people or defuse bombs each one having a time limit. Save one person, timer starts up again. The major problem with this is that they went with the old style of arcade gameplay where if you haven't beaten all the enemies in an area there is an invisible wall stopping you from moving on. So a lot of times you can see the bomb or whatever but you just can't get to it and time runs out. You do get to play as four characters; Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing and two people can be on the screen at once, but even with another person helping you the game still gets insanely fustrating and you want to break the controller. It was a nice effort, but the gameplay just ruins the whole experience.

Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu gets a 2 out of 5.

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