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Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

When of I first heard about this game I was insanly excited. Breath of Fire III is my favorite RPG of all time and even though I didn't enjoy Breath of Fire IV as much it still had great improvements and was still a very solid title. I was hoping this was going to be the greatest one in the series to date, first time on a next gen console, fully 3D worlds, man was I wrong. First off I will say the graphics look nice they went with an unrealistic cell-shaded look instead of following the path of Final Fantasy trying to make the graphics look like real people. The sound was alright no voice overs which was a bit of a drag but still the music was very well done. Okay now that I'm done with the good stuff I can move on to the bad, first the game is filled with static camera angels similar to the Resident Evil series(This is Capcom I don't know why I'm so surprised). This normally wouldn't bother me, but when you enter a battle you have full control of the camera. Now speaking of the battle mode it doesn't know what it wants to be. Starts off like Final Fantasy Tactics where you need to move your character up to the monster but then it turns into a fighting game where each button ends up becoming some move that your character can pull off and the battles take forever one thing they added is that your not just randomly pulled into a battle you actually see the monsters and you go up to kick them and you get to attack first when the battle begins if the monster hits you first it can attack first, you can also set out bait to lure the monsters in or even set traps like a bomb. This might sound like an interesting idea but when you have a group of bats and your only fighting one at a time it can get extremely annoying and tiresome. This game also has the weirdest save system I have ever seen in a game before I'm not really sure what to say about it. I might be the wrong person to be reviewing this game. I only played it for two hours and I couldn't bring myself to pick up the controller again while this disk was in my PS2. Maybe the game gets better but I seriously doubt it. I can only hope the Breath of Fire 6 can make up for this terrible game.

I hope this will be the lowest score I ever have to give, but Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter gets a 1 out of 5.

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