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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

I have to admit that I was really excited to play this game. I'm a huge fan of the series and since I don't own the Xbox I didn't get to play the first one. Now overall this game looks good, the graphics are good, the fighting is good, the sound and overall music is good they have the buffy theme in there and the only real problem is that the voice overs do tend to repeat and although they did get many of the Buffy cast in there to do their voices major players like Buffy and Willow have been replaced. However it was still really hard to find things wrong with this game but since no game is prefect this holds true hear. First off the creators say this game was written as a lost episode of the Buffy television series that fits in to season five after Buffy mom's dies. My question is then where's Michelle Trachtenberg's Dawn Summers? She was had a major role in season five and she's not even mentioned in the game. My second fault is that they added a multiplayer arena mode, but really the games are unoriginal and get really boring after a while. Now don't let this get you down, you get some awesome weapons the enemies AI is really good and they're really hard to beat and you do get to play as six other characters in the game.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds gets a 3 out of 5.

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