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Cold Fear


The Design was very awesome.A lot of great art of the Whaling Ship.The rooms from the whaling ship looked great.It actually looked like a real movie from some parts of the ship with the guy you were controlling.The storm outside the whaling ship with lightning bolts and big huge waves hitting the side of the ship made it look really realistic.Very awesome.The design of the characters and monsters were very interesting.And very cool too.


The Story was very nicely put together.A lot of great automatic parts with the characters talking to eachother were really worth checking out.The story was a very nice one but I feel as though some parts of the game could have been extended a little more.Like the end part of the game after killing the main boss the automatic part wasnt even like 30 seconds long.It was like the just pushed the button to make all the explosives blow up the place and off they went in the helicopter.Could have been a longer story but it was worth the money.Just have to expect it to be a short game thats all.

Here is the rating for Cold Fear, 5 out of 5.

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