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Dead Man's Hand


The Story was very interesting from start to finish. It's the kind of story that makes you want to play over and over again because it's so great. When it comes to this story you can't really compare it to the other westerns for Xbox other wise it will just make it look like a duplicate to some other western. The way the main character takes revenge for the people that left him for dead really makes the story intense with each mission that comes our way. Very Exciting and Very Enjoyable.


The Characters such as the main character and the main villains at the end of each journey was very well detailed and very nicely put together with the suits they had and personalities made them astonishing as well. I don't know who to say is the best end boss because they are all great in there own way. Although I did find it interesting that the main character's name, El Tejón, kind of sounded like Elton John but maybe that was just me.

I know a lot of people put a bad rating on this game because I guess it was like a rip off of some western they played before, or maybe because they didn't think it was gory enough. But I think a lot of things were nicely done and a very well finished product. I give it a 4 out of 5.

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