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Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

Now what can I say about Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles? Well I was really interested to play this game, maybe it was that it was the first FF game on a Nintendo system since FF6(3) on the SNES or maybe it was just that I liked that the game didn't have a number. Whatever it was that got me to play this game I did and I mostly enjoyed it. The one thing is that this games main focus is on multiplayer getting a bunch of friends and some GBAs and going through dungeons together. Now none of my friends have GBA's so I was pretty much forced to play the single player mode, but even then I still really enjoyed the game. There isn't much reason to tell you about the story of the game since there really isn't one, your supposed to go and collect some special water in dungeons to power a crystal in your hometown. As I said there isn't much to the story, which is strange for a FF game but one thing it follows like in all FF games is great graphics and music. That's about where the similarities end. The fighting system isn't turned based but live action and you really don't level up by gain experience like you do in most rpgs. If you can get past that then you can really enjoy the game. One thing I was annoyed at in the game was that magic needs to be collected by these glowing orbs and you need to collect them over again each time you enter a new dungeon. Anways if anything moments in this game remind me more of Lord of the Rings than a Final Fantasy games. One of the dungeons is an abandoned mine infested with orcs. A nice thing about the game is that you don't play a speific character you do get to selection of characters from a list of set groups. There are four groups in the game each containing eight character types, 4 males and 4 females. It would have been nice if you could have changed the character's look a little bit however, but your stuck with what you get. You do get to have up to 8 characters in one game, but I should tell you that it's really only to fill up your village. If your playing single player you need to only use one character. Finally the biggest problem the game suffers from is repetitivity you need to go to a lot of dungeons you've already been too and very little changes except the monsters hit harder. It's still a good game however and once you learn how to play it well you can really enjoy it.

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles gets a 3 out of 5.

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