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Galerians: Ash

Alright I need to come out and say this right now and make it clear the games graphics are nowhere near as bad as the screenshots below. They aren't the best, but they aren't that bad. Alright now that I have that out of the way Galerians: Ash is a sequel to a game on the Playstation called, you guessed it, The Galerians. Now I never played the first game, but they set up the story from the first real well that your really never wondering what are they taking about. The sounds and music are done very well the music is very creepy to fit the games style and the voice-overs are very well done as well. The main character, Rion, is actually done by a former Power Ranger Johnny Yong Bosch and he does an excellent job. Now as I said before the graphics aren't the best, but still better than the screenshots alone. However it's the cut sences that really make this game shine, they are so different you kind of wonder if it was done by the same studio. Now to the most important part, the gameplay. Galerians: Ash as an interesting style by not having you with guns or your bare hands but with psyhic powers. You start off with three and can aquire two others, each are very different and will work well on different types of enemies. Now the main thing to remember and this is important, that after a while using these psyhic powers will cause you to have sort of a "short" where as you run by the enemies their brains start to explode and if that isn't fun I don't know what is. One of the major problems with this game is that you need to hold down the button to power up your psyhic abilities and believe me my thumb started to hurt me after an hour of playing this game. Another problem is that you face the same bosses over again and unlike you they don't gain in strength so second time around you know all of their moves and can probably beat them in 5 minutes. But the biggest problem this game suffers from it's just too slow, even when Rion is running he's running too damn slow it gets annoying. But all and all Galerians: Ash is still a good game and you should really give it a try,

Galerians: Ash gets a 3 out of 5.

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