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Jak II

First off I have to come out and say it, I never played the first game. The only reason I picked up this game strange as it sounds was because I had a dream about getting this game and I have to say that I'm glad I listened to the dream. Now Jak II is the sequel to the game Jak & Daxter except this time they are sent 500 years into the future where Jak is captured and totured for 2. Some how this made him come out of his shell and he now talks and is out for revenge against the people who had totured him. At first it feels like a normal platformer but once you get outside you can take flying cars from people(which you're going to want too the city map is pretty big and will take you a while on foot). Now of course you can tick off the police of Haven City called the Crimson Guard and they're ten times worse then any police Vice City. As you continue through the game you'll actually get to chose who you want to take missions from just like in the Grand Theft Auto series . Only down fall is that compared to the GTA series you get a very small amount of weapons, but the only real weapon you're going to need is your Dark Jak powers which is basically Jak's Mr. Hyde. You can pretty much clear out an entire area of enemies with it and it looks awesome.

Overall I have to give Jak II, 4 out of 5.

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