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Kingdom Hearts

What did you say?? The creators of the Final Fantasy series Squaresoft(now Square-Enix) is working on a game for Disney? Are they crazy?? Might have been your first reaction when hearing about the project known as Kingdom Hearts, but you really need to give this game a chance. Now it seems for some people the idea of mixing Disney characters with Final Fantasy charaters was a bad mix and actually turned a lot of people away from this game, but it's really what brought me in. The storyline is pretty basic your a character named Sora who is seperated from his two friends on his island home and your trying to save the world from beings known as the Heartless with the help of Donald Duck and Goofy the...yeah. Now along the way you enter the different Disney world in what a lot of time feels like interupting the middle of the movie. Of course the story is a little childish and naming the villians the Heartless reminds me of the bad guys in the Neverending Story movies, but believe me this is a game for all ages. The first thing I have to mention is the incredible amount of voice actors they got in this game not only will you pretty much hear the same voices in every Disney characters, but other characters are voiced by some pretty big stars like Haley Joel Osmend, Mandy Moore, and Billy Zane just to name a very few. Second thing to mention is that unlike Final Fantasy games this isn't turn-based you have control of the character the entire time and the controls stay the same through the entire game so no trying how to remember 50 different control settings. If there is any problem with this game it's that a lot of basic skills like blocking and being able to know your enemies HP aren't given to you at the beginning of the game and that can indeed be a drag, but let's face it Kingdom Hearts is a great game and I enjoyed it more than any Final Fantasy game.

Kingdom Hearts gets a 4 out of 5. Can't wait for the sequel!

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