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Kingdom Hearts 2

So how do you follow up a great game like Kingdom Hearts? Make an equally good if not better game and that's what you get with Kingdom Hearts 2. It's just as good if not better cause to start with they kept the control the same as the first game. This of course works well for all the fans of the first game who wants the controls to be the same, sure there are a few differences but they only make it better and easier to play overall the controls stayed the same. Next bring in the actors from the first game, sure not everyone reprised their role but Haley Joel Osment, David Gallagher and Hayden Panettiere all returned to supply voices of Sora, Riku and Kairi. Also for those fans of the Final Fantasy VII movie Advent Children all the voices are the same as the movie. To add to this game's greatest you get the return of some of the original worlds from the first game as well as the introduction of the new ones. Sure bringing in Tron or Pirates of the Caribbean may seem weird but in a game like Kingdom Hearts it works perfectly. However some worlds are completely different from what they were in the last game. Like Atlantica, which you might know better as the Little Mermaid world. Instead of it being a battle underwater world it's turn into a bunch of rhythm based mini games so it's much more like the 100 Arce Woods now. New additions to the game include the Drive system, which in some cases allows you to wield two keyblades at once. This gives you the chance to add some strategy to the fast and furious battles. Now for some of the negative features in the games, there aren't many but they are still there. One of them is the addition of the Reaction command. At certain points in the game you'll press the triangle button to pull off a special move on enemies or combo attacks with your party members. The only problem is that it's the same button and some times you'll actually perform the wrong reaction command you wanted. It's not a big deal but still gets a big annoying at times. Also like in the first game the summons you can't perform aren't very much help in battle. Sure you might use one every once and a while but you don't really get the feeling that they are actually helping at all. They even cut down the number of summons from the first game. In KH 2 there is only 4 summons, so if anything you might be using them even less than you did in the first Kingdom Hearts. However the final boss fight makes up for any problems the game may have. If you thought the final battle in the first game was good then you haven't seen nothing yet cause this one is probably 10 times better at the least. It's very fast paced and very cinematic. I'm sure I'm probably forgetting a few things to say about this game but it's just so good the game speaks for itself and although there probably will be a third Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts 2 came up with a great ending quick ties up all the loose ends. If the series should end here then I would feel a sense of closure to the series, but I doubt this will be the last game in the series. Not that it's a bad thing.

Kingdom Hearts 2 gets a 4 out of 5. It may not get a perfect score but it's worth every second.

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