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Maximum Chase


The story wasnt to bad.It had a lot of good situations in the game where it was up to a climax, and you didnt know if you would be able to make it or not.Some certain parts of the story could have improved a little bit by making more characters involved.


The acting was rather dull.Which made it rather really boring, And not really good exciting to the player. These Boring scenes, And Boring people being put into the Infamous Maximum Chase xbox game can really make the players think that all they bought was a piece of trash.


However I was pleased with the fact of great design,And the amount of effort put into trying to make this game a big hit. But It just didnt do it. Corny acting can really put a damper on a game that you think is gonna be great from its cover and this is one them.

Sorry to say but I give it a 2 out of 5.

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