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Prisoner of War


Well I say it was a pretty good story line. It was just as much fun as The Great Escape But Somethings were copied from The Great Escape. Such as putting on a Guard uniform and being one of them. I mean don't get me wrong that's a great idea, but after seeing it once it makes you think every one wants to start using other peoples ideas to make there adventures as great. All in all the story was pretty good and kept the player>


The Characters were very nicely designed. They would be a little blocky in some parts of the character. And sometimes the voice wouldn't match up with the moving of the mouth. But If you ignore that part and Just listen to what they are saying without paying attention to the screen (cause its to painful to watch at times) you will be able to get through the game just fine. Some Characters though were very nicely designed though.

I would Rate this game a 3 out of 5. It wasn't to bad. But jumpy in some areas of the game. But all in all a very good game and enjoyable.

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