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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Now I have a little bit of a confession to make. I enjoyed the Star Wars prequels, well now that I have that off my chest lets move on to the game. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is based on the movie of the same name and normally that would already label it as a crappy game, but not this time. This time the people behind the game worked hard at the combat system so they don't end up with another Phantom Meance game. Basically you follow the storyline of the movie playing as either Obi-wan Kenobi or Anakin Skywalker. The gameplay might be in the category of a button mashing hack n slash if it were not for the fact that you were wielding lightsabers. I don't know what it is but pulling off combos with a lightsaber is just so much more enjoying, but still it's not just lightsaber moves. Because you are indeed jedi you also get a nice little collection of force powers to use as you will. Another element in the gameplay that tries to switch things up is gun turret sequences where you have to blow up a ship or something. However these moments are so rare that when one comes up again you struggle to remember the controls and in the end don't add much other than a break in the already great lightsaber combat. The game has a small amount of rpg elements when after each mission you are able to upgrade your characters lightsaber and force abilites. As for visuals the graphics look great and is added onto with actual footage from the Revenge of the Sith movie brought right into the game. The audio on the other had is a little disappointing although it is no where near bad and has all the Star Wars sound effects in there my biggest concern is none of the actors from the movie did their own voices. This really isn't that big of a deal as they the cast from the Clone Wars animated series worked out very well, but still with a movie game you kind of want to have the actors from the movie do the voices. Now my biggest problem with the game is probably the end boss fights which mostly end up being a battle another lightsaber wielder. There is some variety in that you'll fight a ship or something like that but mostly you'll be fighting other jedi or sith. My problem with this is a lot of times within the battle it makes you feel like you're being cheated and your opponent is able to pull things off you can't. Mind you this is because the boss battles are handled a lot like a fighting game and I always find myself having trouble with fighting game, so maybe I'm not the best judge of character here. Anyways there are some nice elements a 2 player fighting game has been added and you can make some pretty nice pair ups, but really they don't give you enough characters to give the fighting game variety. Another problem are the co-op mission, there are only four mission and really it would have been nice if you could of had to the choice to just played through the main storyline in co-op. Also added to the game was a few bonus mission where you can play as Yoda and other characters but once again there isn't to much to these missions other than just survivial. So what can be said about the Revenge of the Sith game, it isn't perfect but it's a hell of a lot better than the Phantom Meance game for the PS1.

Overall, along the game can get frustating the gameplay never really get repetive. It gets a 3 out of 5.

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