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Rocky Legends


The design of the game was pretty good.The environments were pretty cool, awesome rings right from the movie. The special features were pretty cool with all the movie trailers, but the arms of the characters were extremely short compared to the first rocky game. The voices were poor and didnt match the mouth of the character most of the time.

Special Features

The Movie Clips showing in the background of the main menu were a great touch.Unlocking certain boxers was awesome from money that you won in certain fights is used.Also the money can also buy you the movie trailers from rocky 1-5.That was awesome and buying the chicken chase round was cool too.


Its a great game to play if you love the rocky movies. I thought it was enjoyable for the most part since I enjoyed the movies and the rings where the fights took place were cool like the circus and a warehouse and a aircraft carrier.And rings from the movies were also in there that were put in there too. That was cool too.But when you hear the voices of the characters put into the game its like a turn off. Overall for the game I would probably have to say a 2 out of 5.

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