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Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku

I got this game because I'm a big fan of the show and this one is pretty true to the series. All the voice actors from the show have been brought in and the graphics have been done in the cell-shaded style and the music works as well. This is truly like playing an episode from the show, but the story is original with appearance from some of the more iconic characters like the Scotsman and Bad Jack. The gameplay has been done very well also. Along with your basic sword actions you also get to use throwing stars and a bow and arrow to take out your enemies. You also have a combo system and Samurai Jack's own version of the Matrix mode which allows you to slow down everything around you. The levels are split up pretty similar. Four world areas each containing a certain amount of levels and of course ending with a boss fight. This might seem repetitive to some, but I thought there was enough difference between to leveks to keep it interesting. If the game suffers from anything it's that it's way to easy and short. I was able to beat the game in less than two weeks on the normal setting and that was just playing an hour a day. With the way some people play they might be able to beat it in a day. My only real area I got stuck on was a couple of the jumping puzzles but still I beat them within the hour so again no real challenge there. Overall all the game is very well done and is a treat for any fan of the series.

Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku gets a 3 out of 5.

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