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Spider-Man the Movie games has got to be one of the best translations of comic book to movie to video game ever. First off, both Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe lent there voices to the game, which their lines are actually better in the game. The graphics are great, the city is a huge place to swing around as Spider-Man and that's just fun in itself. Going back to sound it's very well done and the music sounds very heroic to fit the mood of the game. Going on to the story it looses follows the movie, yes the Green Goblin is still the main bad guy. However you also get to fight against the Shocker, the Vulture and even the Scorpion which they set up real well you kind of wonder why they didn't put them in the movie. The one major draw back in this game is that really the game seems almost indentical to the Playstation Spider-Man game Activision put out a couple of years ago. Even some of the henchmen you fight are just updated from the original, but still that in some cases is a plus because you don't have to learn new controls they're already in your head. So overall Spider-Man the Movie game is of course a awesome game, I might only be saying this because Spider-Man is my favorite Marvel Super Hero but who cares. I can't wait for the movie and the game sequels.

Spider-Man gets a 4 out of 5.

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