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Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

This was probably one of my most anticipated games of the year. I'm very picky when choosing an rpg, I'm not always going to go out and get the next Final Fantasy game, but this one looked interesting and I thought I'd give it a shot. First off, I was lied too. The first time I heard about this game I was told that the main character traveled back in time. Now I'm a big fan of anything time travel related and over all it's a half truth. The character doesn't actually travel through time, he crash lands on planets that are less advance that Earth in the future(They're around the Dark/Middle Ages period history). Now I quickly got pasted that and tried to get into the game, but for some reason it was incredibly hard for me to enjoy. Even compared to most rpg's that story moves along insanely slow, one time going from save point to save point took about 40 minutes most of that time was watching a cutscene which you can't skip through. Your asked if you want to skip it at the start of the cutscence but you can't stop it in the middle of the scene if it starts to get boring. Now of course you really have no choice but to watch the scene or else you won't now what happening with the story. They couldn't have taken care of that much better. Now of course like in most rpg's you told you need to get to a certain town or village, but you don't get there until hours later of gameplay because your forced to save everyone on the way and back track over and over again. It really increases the slow movement of the game and it's not good. Another thing that's not necessarily bad just unusual is that you run into an inventors guild on a planet based in medieval times and to keep in touch with the guild they give you a cell phone... huh? Anyways the game isn't all that bad, the voice overs are done really well and you might even recognize some of the voices as doing other video games and cartoons. The music in the dungeon areas are done very well and it's very enjoyable to listen too. Also the combat system isn't bad, is a real time battle system instead of turn based where you play one of three characters in your party while the others are controlled by AI and you can switch the character you play as at anytime but I felt sometimes the controls weren't that responsive. It was like I hit the button and then they attacked and a lot of times if your keep on losing in battle all you need to do is change to the weakest character with the healing spells and you should be fine. Overall the games not bad and I can't really take away that many points from it, but seriously you might want to be careful when picking up the game because just as the story started to get good I was just so bored with everything that happened previously I couldn't keep play the game.

So in the end, Star Ocean: Till the End of Time gets a 3 out of 5.

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