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X-Men Legends

Probably one of my favorite arcade games of all time would have to be the Uncanny X-men arcade game. Sure it was a Double Dragon clone, but most good license games in the arcades were based off the Double Dragon style of game play. Anyways you could play from a selection of six X-men and have a group of friends join with you and battle Magento. Now since then there really hasn't been a game to capture the fun of the X-Men like that old arcade game. Then comes along Legends and it's an incredible game. This rpg, that's right it's an rpg based on comic book heroes and it's fun. Anyways the game allows four X-Men to be on the screen at once with the option of three friends coming in at any time to help you out in the game. Even if you don't have any friends the AI of the other X-men are pretty good and you can change which X-Man your playing as at any moment if you should be in trouble. Now because it's an rpg, you do have to worry about all the work of leveling your characters up and keeping up with there stats, but this really isn't as much of a problem as you think it's really easy to understand and although it may not make some rpg haters love the game they'll still enjoy this. Now although it's an rpg it's not turnbased it's a lot like the Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu battling system, but a lot more fun. The X-men have a collection of melee attacks along with there mutant powers and there are 15 playable X-Men which is incredible which you even get to play as Prof. X in a couple of levels. Now the audio is pretty good, the big thing however is the voice overs. Patrick Stewart has been brought in to do the voice for Prof. X which awesome to hear, but you also have voice work from Lou Diamond Phillips doing Forge and Danica McKellar voicing Jubilee, you might remember her as Winnie Cooper from "The Wonder Years". Now the graphics are done really well, the characters are all cel-shaded while all of the areas are in normal cg space. The graphics give it a very comic book/cartoon feel and it was a good choice. Now I've been loving this game, but it has problems. Even though the other X-Men AI are good, it's not perfect. I don't even remember how many times I got stuck in doorways because my teammates wouldn't get out of the way. Also near the end the story does seem to be draging out a little bit too long. You go on missions that seem to be taking you away from the bigger goal. Still I enjoyed playing all the way through and I hope that there's going to be a sequel.

X-Men Legends gets a 4 out of 5.

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