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X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse

Back when the first X-Men Legends game came out I hoped for a sequel to come out as well and luckily for me it has, but does it stand up to the first one? Well there are like in any sequel new things that are good as well as bad. First off I feel the story in this game is a lot stronger in the game, the missions seemed more direct at achieving the ultimate goal of beating Apocalypse. Unlike the last game where at one minute you were trying to save the professor but then stopped in order to beat down some Sentinals. It's a lot more focused. As for the characters along you do get to play as more characters then in the last game, some of playable characters have either become NPC's like Beast and Emma Frost or completely missing all together. Like Psylocke and Magma, who was the central character of the first game. They also like to plug this game as being able to play as the Botherhood of Evil Mutants but most of them also seem to be unable like Pryo, the Blob and Sabertooth. Also a few characters seemed to be missed place like if you go through a side mission you can unlock Iron Man to play as. Now Iron Man is one of my favorite Marvel comics super heroes of all time but does he really belong in an X-Men game? That's another thing is that there are only three unlockable character, all the other character are playable from pretty much the start of the game. This is good cause it let's you play as your favorite character sooner but also the variety of the different teams you can play as runs out quicker because you don't unlock another new ones to change things up a bit. A nice thing they also added was the ability to change the characters costumes so you could play as them in your favorite era, but some of the more popular costumes like the Jim Lee ones are missing. Also one of my favorite elements from the last legends game was the Danger Room sparring mode. This allowed you to play as some boss and minor enemies which made for some interesting teams. This game though it's barely worth it, a lot of the cooler bosses like Archangel, Mister Sinster and Stryfe can't be played as and even the minor enemies aren't as cool as playing as a GRSO solider or an Acolyte. However all the characters have many more different powers to pick from and one other thing they did add to this game was a system that took care of all the leveling up and equipment for you, this is nice cause you don't have the pause in the middle of the game to put out the proper skills. Although the system seems to have a mind of it's own sometimes, equiping characters with less effective equipment and changing the powers for the characters. It's a little bit annoying when you want use Nightclawer's sword attack but since the game changed the power for you he teleports half way across the room instead. Also this game seems to have become a lot more easier. I remember in the last game having to do certain levels and bosses over again and again cause I kept on losing. Not this time though, I end up beating most bosses the first time though and I'll admit I still haven't beaten Master Mold in the first X-Men Legends game but in this game I beat Apocalypse my first time through so it's nice that it's easier but you also feel like the challenge in the game was lost. So overall the game has a lot of new features that make the game different to play through, but they aren't completely thought through and end up becoming a pain at times.

X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse gets a 3 out of 5.

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