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Vibrating Velvet-Tones Gallery 2

You want some more pics......???? Well here they are....

Snoop Davey Dave- Barry White Sounds(bass)

This here is Snoop D....He plays bass for the Velvet-Tones and is another one of the original V.V.T. back in 1994...

Snoop likes good ol' surf and ass-kickin' rock 'n' roll...His major influences would be Dick Dale, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and the "Godfather of Soul" James Brown...

In Snoop's spare time, he likes to smoke his cigarettes and drink his coffee....

Sinister Sammy....Rhythm Geetar

Sinister Sammy is a new recruit to the V.V.T. He originally was just a groupie and the guitarist for "The Cryptomanics"...Sinister Sammy is into beastiality and crazy group sex with badgers.. Also in his free time, he likes to drink coffee and be bitter like the rest of the band....And yes ladies, He is single....

The Fiendish Reverend Dan - Spiritual Advisor

This asshole is a damn nutcase that the Vibrating Velvet-Tones picked up 3 years ago....

He was at Waffle House talkin' crazy shit about His Lord and Savior (Dan)....

The Reverend likes to spend his free time workin' with his business "Gin & Sin Custom Designs"

and his promoting of shows with "One Strong Arm Productions"....

He also likes his "holy water"(i.e. Jack Daniel's)

and his "communion waffers"(i.e. cigerettes).....

The V.V.T. adopted "Danism" 3 years ago while doin' a show....

If ya wanna go back to the main page, just click THE V.V.T. LOGO!!!

All Photos by Reverend Dan with Gin & Sin Custom Designs

All Photos and Vibrating Velvet-Tones Copyright 1999