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Searching & Sleuthing:
Multi-Search Engines

Metacrawlers and metasearchers do not actually search the web. Functioning as "clients," they submit requests to several search engines at once, combining the results.
  • Ask Jeeves

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  • Debriefing

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  • Inference Find

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  •  Internet Sleuth

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  • Mamma

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  • MetaCrawler Searching

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    Sends search queries to several search engines including: Lycos, Infoseek, WebCrawler, Excite, Alta Vista and Yahoo, then normalizes and ranks results. Of special interest: using Power Search, allows user to limit by continents and by U.S. educational, commercial or government sites.
  • ProFusion

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  • SavvySearch

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    Queries several specialized search engines (such as, Internet Movie Database) as well as web indexes (such as Alta Vista, Lycos) and web directories (such as Yahoo and EINET Galaxy). User can specify/limit by source (Web Indexes, People, Entertainment, Software) and by "type" of information (images, technical reports, academic).

    Angela Elkordy, Coordinator of Electronic Resources, The Sage Colleges Libraries
    Last Updated: January 12, 1999

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