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undefined Ryan's NATURAL Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Page!
Last Updated on 6/10/01!!!

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ATTENTION: Beginners, read this before continuing!

This is a chat program that you can use to exchange ideas with fellow bodybuilders.

ATTENTION: Read my new interview section for new opinions!

Ryan's Weightlifting page!

My opinions on weightlifting and bodybuilding have changed greatly since I last updated this site. I'm very sorry to all of you who have sent me e-mails and never have got a reply. I will now make an honest effort during the summer to update you with the latest information the bodybuilding community has to offer. Many of the artcles have been revised based on my newfound opinions and recommendations. It is very hard to revise my articles in such short amounts of time. I suggest you read this article....

Why I created this website!

Upcoming Articles.....

  • How to effectively change your diet from mass gain or fat loss
  • New interviews
  • A thigh (quads, hamstrings, and glutes) program

    My Training Articles (scroll down for more topics)

    The neck is very important in contact sports!

    How to develop the abs UNDER the you-know-what!

    My suggestions to add some forearm size!

    The calves, a very overlooked bodypart!

    Triceps don't truly need so much stimulation!

    This is a recommended workout and tips for good biceps!

    Build an impressive, killer-tofu back!

    These right way to build a solid chest!

    Advanced Principles and Techniques That Will Explode (literally LOL) Your Muscles to New Growth!

    The current HIT Workout I Use

    Which is better for building muscle.... fast reps or slow reps?

    Fig's (this guy is huge) honest, awesome way to get big arms!

    My Nutrition and Mind Articles

    A Pub-Med article on Creatine (very informative)!

    Some important facts about water!

    How vitamin C helps when it comes to weightlifting !

    Yogurt, helps in good nutrition!

    The connection of mind and body!

    Protein is Essential For Growth!

    Miscellaneous and Interesting Information

    General rule of thumbs for weightlifting!

    A short autobiography on me!

    Why I created this website!

    Some terms you need to know!

    A small table about what benefits you will get from doing differents reps before breaks!

    The Huge Definition of Muscle from Encarta (of inerest of those "scientific" bodybuilders!

    A Biography On Arnold!

    What the sport of weightlifting is!


    Some good, honest, bodybuilding and weightlifting pages!

    Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. This is definitely a great page to make a website for a variety of topics. I hope that this page will help you explore the wonderful marvel that is weightlifting. Well, maybe not like that, but hey you get the point. Feel free to e-mail me for questions hat extend beyond the topics.

    E-mail for weightlifting questions at...
    - Ryan's Weightlifting Poll -
    Why are you into weightlifting?

    To get stronger and add more mass.
    To get endurance and make my muscles look better.
    A mix of endurance and strength.
    So I can get girls.
    Just for the fun of it.

    Current Results

    This Ring Site Owned by Ryan

    WARNING: I, Ryan, am not responsible for any injuries and or hardships caused by info on this page. This is strictly a site to help people with their weightlifting goals. No advertising is used on this site for money reasons. Any given information is solely my opinion. Please check with your doctor before you start and type of boydbuilding program.

    Truly Huge - Bodybuilding, Health and Fitness

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