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You must have a nice page on Barbie's to join, no Barbie bashing please. The special HTML CODE you are given MUST remain
on your Barbie site for as long as you are a member of the ring!! Failure to do so,and your page will be removed from the ring
without any warning.

Your page's main contents must be about Barbie. It must contain pictures and info, not just a list of links please.
If you ever change your email address, home page url, or name of your Barbie page, please go to the edit page and update it.
Please upload the Barbie site Ring pictures to your own server. Do not link back to this site. You understand that you may be removed
from the Barbie Ring at anytime. You also understand that it is up to the ring master to decide if your Barbie page will be added to the Barbie Ring.

The Barbie Site Ring is not responsible forany pages contents within the ring. Any offensive pages will be removed from the ring, no warning.

I have read and agreed to all of the above, now I am ready to join the ring.

Click here to Join!

Barbie Site Main Page
