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Welcome to My Mom's Page

On this page you will see pictures of my Mom and some of her Brothers and Sisters. Mom is now on the road with her son (my brother) Jeff. I will be adding pics and info on their adventures as they send them to me. I hope you enjoy what you find here. Come back to see more, as I will continue to add more as time goes on.

Foxy lady in High School *Smiles*

Mom and Dad's Wedding

Mom, Dad, and their first Baby Judson

This is My Mom on a road trip. Mom really likes to travel around the states. She is forever taking off and going different places. Yep, I do believe it is from her that I get my urges to travel also.

The picture on the left is of my Mom and her Sisters.
(from left to right)
Betty, Alice and My Mom Goldie
The picture on the right is my Mom's Brothers
Fred, Stan and John
The Penguins are how they all act when they get together *SMILES*

Don't forget to take time and go back to My Home Page and Sign My Guestbook. :O)

We took this picture on our way home from Oregon... Yes it's a Ferbbie...Smiles... He talked all the way up there and all the way back...hehe