You are there to help when the call comes in,
a crying voice of despair at the other end.
This person needs your help to not take the leap,
your mind races fast and your heart skips a beat.
You think of all you can do to calm them down,
a counselor your not but the words you have found.
They feel lost and alone full of a hurting pain,
the despair lifts a little the tears no longer like rain.
With your words of wisdom and a caring that flows,
you give them a number of a person who knows.
No book for this call just a heart and a soul,
your the helping hand that lifts them,
from the dark and the cold.
You volunteer all your help for the business at hand,
the agency trust you they know how you stand.
For the people you serve you give the best part,
Remember this always
"In The Agency You Are The Heart".
Writen by: TJ (former agency Director)
Dedicated to the Helpline Volunteers
In Coos Bay, Oregon
And all others who work a Crisis Line