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How to stay ahead of the pack

Roleplay Tips

The roleplay tips of the XWF are:

  • Here are a few important rules to live by if you want to be a successful roleplayer a great organization. As the writer of this article, these are the rules I follow myself, and I feel, as many of you told me(it's really appreciated), that I'm an accomplished roleplayer. Well, I hope you take my advice, and if you don't... too bad for you. Hey, it won't hurt ya to read on...
  • Rule 1: Be original.

    This is, and by far, the most important point you must acheive. Too many e-wrestlers look and think alike those days. There are, in my opinion, way too much Steve Austin and Undertaker look-alikes. I have nothing wrong with that, as characters can share some points with real wrestlers, but the key to be original is to find something that will make your character UNIQUE. He must have something in his way of reacting, in his gimmick, that will set him apart from the pack. This applies not only in the character, but in the way he talks, acts, dresses, etc... Try to find some cool quotes that only your guy will say. No matter if your wrestler is inspired from a real one or if he's purely created, make sure he does have that touch of originality, something that only him will have, that will make him special.

  • Rule 2: Be honest.

    Too many people want their guys to be perfect, almost like they were invincible demigods. The problem is those people never want to admit they can have flaws. The truth is, nobody's perfect, even though everybody would want to be. This is one way to be original and unique, as well. You must look at your characters' personalities from both sides. Of course, a wrestler's weakness can be used against him, but the simple fact you do admit your weaknesses also gives you an extra push with the fed head, as that's the essence of roleplaying. Don't fear to admit your character's flaws, because it will make him only more interesting and it will also highlight his strengths.

  • A few other tips

    Put important words in bold, italic, or color(don't abuse the color, though); Speaking of colors, red, for example, is really hard on the eyes... try white, light gray, yellow... but not red, blue, or any other color that fades into the background! Usually, it's better just to stick to plain white... writing in color isn't really considered by us a way of being original... neither is putting the names of who you're talking to in big letters... Don't use huge characters(H1) or capital letters... Actually, you can use (H1) for an end quote, but please don't put the whole text in that format... Huge and capital letters should be used to indicate your character screams(example: "you're my favorite wrestler... NOT!!!", here you notice the "NOT!!!" was the character screaming... if you know about Tom "Thunder" Cage, then you know using caps all the time is VERY annoying); Hey, "TT" tags aren't too good looking for interviews... ; Imagine how would your wrestler actually talk, and write it like you see it; Try to put some emotion in there(put exclamation points and the like... a bad example would be: "Hey. You're one big piece of trash. I'll kick your ass." That sounded like the guy actually read the sentence on a piece of paper... not very life-like); Try to be innovative, and start trends; I know that's a lot of stuff and regulations, but many of those things come naturally, while others just help make your RPs better.

  • What is a roleplay

    "First of all, let us discuss what a roleplay is. A roleplay is NOT just an interview or a flash. In a roleplay, you take on a ROLE! Just like in a play. Every flash or interview is not a roleplay. If you aren't playing a role that stays consistent throughout that wrestler's career, then you are not roleplaying. You are flashing or you are just interviewing. They aren't the same. True, a wrestler can change their "gimmick." But even then, he must stay consistent within whatever new role he is playing to be considered a true roleplay.For example, a wrestler who is one time outspoken and another time very withdrawn is not truly a proper roleplay -- unless inconsistency is part of his role.

    For example, if you were to go to the Fredricksburg Civil War battle site, you would see people hired by the park who are playing roles as Civil War soldiers. You can sit down with them and talk to them and they will respondto you just as a real CW soldier would if they were back in the 1860s. Their roles include a fake name, a fakeplace of residence, etc. They play it to the hilt. And they stay very consistent within their roles. They don't say they came from Indiana and then the next sentence say they were born in Alabama.

    This is why many people are not truly roleplaying. They don't have any idea of who there characters are, or elsethey have not fully developed them in their minds. As a result, too often the so-called roleplays come outcontradictory or in just one big mishmosh of who knows what and you never really get agood idea of just whothese characters are.

    I personally roleplay people I have known in the past. It's fun for me to respond to people and situations according to how I believe they would respond in the given predicaments they find themselves in. Would theyrun, or would they fight? Would they laugh, would they cry, would they .. swear?

    I have one wrestler modeled after someone who did a lot of swearing. I personally hate profanity and never use it. But if I were to be true to how this person acted, I have to place profanity in their roleplays. It is part of their personna. Part of their character. Could I get around it? Not if I wanted to capture the essence of that person.

    For example, if you were to roleplay Richard Nixon, could you roleplay him in a Watergate movie without swearing? If you did, you wouldn't be capturing the essence of the man. It would be like roleplaying Madonna as the girl-next-door.

    If I were roleplaying me, I would never swear or use profanity. But if I am roleplaying a particular person who used profanity a lot, it wouldn't be true to the role being played if there wasn't profanity somehow indicated, even if it's "sh*t" or something like that. It would be like roleplaying Scott Hall without his toothpick. Or Steve Austin without him talking about kicking someone's ass."

  • Great tips on roleplaying

    "Okay... Here are some tips on how to be a successful roleplayer. These are general, if you have any more specific questions, mail me with them and I'll try to answer them for you.

    1. SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION. Make sure you spell all of the words you use right. Go back and double check if needed, but just try to catch the spelling errors and typos as you write. Make sure oyu leave spaces between words, so DON'T write like these examples...

  • Bad Examples.

    (1) "youre dead!ill bete you in the ring!big dammy!"

    (2) "Your dead, I'll beat you in the ring on monday"

    In (1), the main problem was it was written by someone who is obviously illiterate. No capital letters, no spaces, it was pathetic. That person would NEVER win a match, unless they were against someone that died and was unable to roleplay.

    In (2), it was good except for two things. They spelled "Your" wrong, it should've been "You're" in that use of it. And at the end, there was no period. It's still possible to win like that... But you better have some good stuff in there if you spell your words wrong frequently.

    2. DON'T MAKE YOUR WRESTLER SOUND LIKE A KID. If your wrestler sounds like a 13 year old, he'll have as much of a chance of winning as a 13 year old. Watch the WWF or WCW sometime, the wrestlers don't swear and if they do, it's edited out. Also, how many 25 year old wrestlers say "pussy" or "dick?" Not too many.

  • Good Examples.

    (1) ["Idolizer" Trace Michaels sits back on a black chair, reclining. He's wearing all green and red today. Some of the clothes he's featuring are a green t-shirt that says "Moo Krew" on it, green sweat pants with a red bandanna tied loosely around the left knee, and a red bandanna on his head, covering his long blonde hair. He looks towards the camera, stares at it for a second, then begins speaking.]

    I told what he was wearing, where he was, and what he was looking at. So the reader knows that he's sitting in a chair and can picture it in their head. You don't have to be THAT descriptive, but at least give the reader an idea of what's going on.

  • Bad Examples of E-Mailing the Prez

    (1) Please let me win, it could really help my wrestler out and give him the push I need.

    That's just obvious that your begging and it means the same as "Please let me win! I don't want to lose!" It's just pointless and will get you obsolutely nowhere.

    That is about it 4 now. If you follow these tips you will be on the road to glory here in the XWF.