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A round of applause for....

I'm finally getting my act together to start thanking everyone who helped me create this page. The list isn't complete and I hope you'll be patient and understanding while I keep adding to it :)

Joanna: Thank you so much for all the wonderful stories and words of encouragement you have written to me. Without you, this page surely would not exist! I have so much fun talking with you and discussing the show and it's good points ;) You know which ones I mean! ;) Thanks for being a dear.

Kirsten: Without you this page wouldn't still be up! :) You've helped me stay interested in not only the show, but the fans who keep the show alive. I've so much enjoyed our friendship and creating so many things with you (we still gotta write that story! :) Thanks for all you've given me.

Wendy: Thanks for pretty much everything. But for also teaching me how to code web pages and for giving me lots of encouragement and lots of laughs. Guess we got it down living 1000 miles apart ;)

Adam!: Hey bud! Thanks for all of the Josh updates and the fun times. We've got to get into the chatroom again soon!

Kathleen: Thanks so much for all of the pictures you've let me borrow (especially on Lou's page). Your page is so great--especially the episode guide and the Plains Courier. You are such a talented writer too. Keep up the good work :)

Gizmo: You've been such a great pal! It's great to know someone else who can go crazy over Gregg with me! ;) Keep up the good work with your pages!

Broedy: Thanks for being so generous to give me a real collection of Jimmy pictures! I love em and so does everyone else :)

Alli: Thanks for lending your skills on the Star Trek page! It's a great addition to the web :)

Nesciri: Thanks for creating a great mailing list that helps bring the fans together :)

Shannon: It's so great knowing there's another TYR fan in my own town! Your web page is great too--very creative and always changing. Good job :)

Madison: Thanks for your words of encouragement and for all of the fanfics you let me post here. They surely are a pleasure to read :)

wCw: Thanks for creating such an exciting and extensive TYR web page! Where would we be without all the amenities you provide--especially the message board ;)

Ann: Thanks for your unending support and ideas on the page. A lot of the new features wouldn't exist without you!

Cass: Thanks for all the pics you've sent in, as well as keeping me laughing with your funny stories!

Renee: Thanks for keeping the page active with all of your new stories and ideas on Jimmyness!

Mag 7: Thanks for all you gals do. Can't wait to see you next year!

Thanks to all of the other fans out there who support the web pages and the continued devotion to a show that's been off the air for seven years now. And especially to the group of people who check out my page every day and make my little counter go up, even when I'm slacking on updates :) I want to say a special thank you to everyone who sent me encouraging emails about my fanfic story. I hope to get another one going soon! And of course, thank you to anyone else that I've left off this list.

Ride Safe!