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*Authors Note: This story is not totally fashioned according to the developments of the shows last season as we've come to know it. There is a certain character in this version that will not be deleted and another that will not be incorporated. You will also notice that all of my "meal" settings take place not in the bunkhouse but in the main house which is fashioned according to the layout of the Sweetwater waystation. This is a love/relationship story and my first attempt at writing, so please let me know what you think.

A Time For Love

by Jeanette

Chapter 1

As the first rays of sunshine warmed the earth, they signified the start of another beautiful sunny spring day in the town of Blue Creek. The town was bustling with anxious anticipation for the Annual Blue Creek Town Faire. The event had grown rapidly over the past couple of years bringing many folks from nearby and far away towns to partake in the joyous festivities. Many contests were showcased, much food to enjoy, booths selling all sorts of goods; from the newest cooking utensils and fine dresses to the best saddles and fastest guns and rifles...

"You boys not sticking around?...You know the big faire starts tomorrow!" commented the shopowner as the two young riders brought their selections for their trip up to the counter.

"Nah" replied Jimmy. "We have to be back in Rock Creek by tomorrow afternoon"

"That's too bad, you boys are sure gonna miss a lot of fun" noted the shopowner.

Cody grimaced as he picked up his supplies and headed out the door right behind Jimmy.

"Did you hear that word he used?" asked Cody with a pleading tone of voice.

"F-U-N; Do you know what that spells? Fun! and that's a word you need to add to your vocabulary Hickok." Jimmy seemed annoyed with his friend and ignored the sly comment.

"Come on! Can't we leave tomorrow?"

"No." replied Jimmy shortly as he put his supplies in his saddle bag.

Cody persisted. "Or until I can at least get my hands on a new rifle; that won't take long."

They both recalled the fine rifle Cody had thought he'd won in a contest, only to lose it to Hezekiah Horn.

"We're going now." Jimmy wasn't going to be persuaded otherwise.

Cody realizing he wasn't going to win this battle, stuffed his supplies in his saddle bag shaking his head. "You know Jimmy, if I didn't know you as well as I do, I'd say you needed to add a little spice to your life"

"If I added any more spice to my life Cody, I'd be hanging at the end of a rope in no time."

"Not a chance hickok; as long as I'm riding with you, I'm too handsome to die alongside you." he said with his usual devilish smile.

At that moment, a stagecoach pulled up in front of the General Store. The door opened and a young woman dressed in black emerged. She had a sad and solemn look to her, but at the same time one that was full of determination. Her long curly brown tresses accentuated the beauty she possessed.

"Go buy whatever is necessary." she told her traveling companion Mr. Hawkins. "We need to be in Rock Creek as soon as possible." Mr. Hawkins nodded and went off to secure the items they would need for their journey to Rock Creek. The young woman made her way past the two riders heading towards the Rock Creek Bank.

"I'm in love." sighed Cody.

"Shut up Cody." said Jimmy, even though he silently agreed with his friend that she was indeed quite striking.

"What?!" he replied in amazement.

The boys mounted their horses and headed out of town.

The young woman looked at her surroundings right before entering the bank.

"I'm here to see Mr. Arnold." she informed the teller. The teller immediately went into the small office to inform Mr. Arnold, the bank manager of the young woman's presence.

"Ms. Sutton." greeted Mr. Arnold holding her extended hand in both of his.

"We're so sorry to hear of your father's death and offer our condolences."

"Thank you very much Mr. Arnold."

He motioned Ms. Sutton into the small office. "Your father did much business with our bank over the many years."

"That is my understanding." she said as she took a seat in front of his desk.

"I will be handling the rest of my father's business affairs out here from now on."

"You? Ms. Sutton?" he asked puzzled.

"You seem surprised Mr. Arnold."

"I- It's just..." he said stammering on his words. "that other people, like lawyers, are usually hired to protect such vast amounts of money."

Ms. Sutton could see right through Mr. Arnold's seeming concern and deemed his comment impertinent.

"You mean men!" she exclaimed. He looked down with a shameful expression on his face. "As you know Mr. Arnold, my father was a very astute business man. After my brother's untimely death, he made it his business to teach me everything he knew about business. I'm quite capable of handling things on my own."

"But you are aware Ms. Sutton, that you are worth well over two hundred thousand dollars. We have some very unscrupulous men 'round these parts that may try to take advantage of you to get to your fortune."

"I'm very well aware of that Mr. Arnold." she said rising from her seat. "I've had many men try to get their hands on my money. But believe me when I tell you this; trying to, and getting to it, are two very different things. I know the world people like us are well familiar with. It's like a snake pit. In order for one to survive, one has to be just like them; cold blooded, sly, ready to strike your enemy first before they strike you. It's an art in itself you know, and I learned it from the best."

Ms. Sutton's voice had been very stern and business-like. This conversation had become quite familiar to her since she became the only surviving offspring of her family's fortune.

"Well Ms. Sutton you've certainly convinced me of that."

"Good. Now back to the business at hand." she said returning to her seat.

"Have all the papers been sent to the Rock Creek Bank to close the deal on this land my father purchased?" she asked taking a title deed from her handbag, laying it on the desk.

"Yes, this morning by Pony Express riders. You do realize that you need to be there before the deadline or the bank will forfeit sale, since this land is also being claimed by another family."

"Don't worry yourself. I'll be on my way out quickly. It was my father's wish that I secure this land for our family and I will not disappoint him."

Mr. Arnold could not help but be impressed by this young woman in front of him. She was smart, strong-willed, not easily intimidated. He had to laugh within himself to think of the poor soul who would dare tangle with her.

Yes, Victoria Sutton knew she had to be strong to survive in this male-dominated world. She had to be determined not to be devoured by the wolves who looked at her as a helpless and naive woman; and using all of her resources to stay ahead of the pack would be vital.

"One more matter before I leave." she said pulling out another slip of paper from her handbag. "I have a bank note from my bank in Pennsylvania for one thousand dollars. I'd like to cash it."

"That's an awful lot of money to travel with." Mr. Arnold replied worriedly.

"I know for a certainty it is, but I always keep my money very close to me." she said with a smile.

"I'll get that right away for you." He knew better than to protest and headed for the safe to fill her request. After receiving the money, she thanked Mr. Arnold who in turn bid her a safe trip to Rock Creek. Later, she met with Mr. Hawkins who had been able to secure a small covered wagon and all the supplies they needed for their journey.

"Make sure everything is loaded and ready to go. Meet me at the Livery Stable at noon; we'll be leaving then."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Victoria Sutton had grown up with a silver spoon in her mouth. She had the best of everything; her father made sure of that, being as she was, his only daughter. Money though meant very little to her. She knew it couldn't buy the happiness she sought. She wanted a simpler life, away from the big city, from the monotony and wretchedness of life a woman of her means was expected to live. She remembered how her mother kept the world around her so real, not allowing her to get wrapped up in the "who's who" or the "who has" and "who hasn't". She appreciated that; it made her a better person, one who sees others for who they are and not what they posses. 'Possesions.' At times she couldn't understand why people put so much importance on them; 'then again if you were of little means...' she empathized, '...I guess you would.'

There wasn't anything a man could give Victoria that she couldn't afford to get on her own, except love. She reckoned she could probably buy that too, the way men kept calling, vying for her affections, meaning as she saw it, 'getting to her bed to get to her money.' As of this day no man had ever come close to conquering her heart. She wanted a man who would see her not as a big dollar sign, but as who she really was; a woman with passion, full of life, ready to love. Was there really such a man out there for her? she wondered, or was she destined to be enslaved in a loveless marriage, never knowing what real love was all about. Little did she know that her trip to Rock Creek would be the turning point in her life.


The boys were more than half-way to Rock Creek. "Let's take a break." suggested Cody.

"That's the best darn idea you've had all day." said Jimmy.

They dismounted and took their horses to get a drink by the nearby stream. The boys bent down and wet their heads in the cool water. "Boy, it sure would've been nice to spend an extra day in Blue Creek." commented Cody.

"Will you let it rest? You know Teaspoon's expecting us back this afternoon with these papers we're carrying."

"We don't even know what we're carrying." he replied in frustration remembering the incident he experienced being a decoy for the army.

"It don't matter Cody. If we don't make it back in time, Teaspoon's gonna have both our jobs not to mention our heads...then I'd have to shoot ya." Cody just rolled his eyes.

"Can you blame a guy for wanting to have a little fun? And then seeing that darling in town." he said with a wide grin. "Make a man like myself go crazy."

"You are crazy Cody." agreed Jimmy. "Besides she was dressed in mourning clothes. She could've just lost her husband; she don't need you poking around her in her time of need."

"You said it Jimmy, "her time of need." and I'm there to fill the void."

"You're unbelievable."

"That's what the ladies tell me."

"Yeah, in your dreams."

"Anyway Hickok," he started, taking a seat on the ground. "all is not lost. I think I'll be seeing her again pretty soon."

Jimmy was surprised at his comment.

"How you figure?"

"Well you heard her; she's on her way to..." Jimmy chiming in, "Rock Creek."

"I'll be able to meet her then, turn on the old William F. Cody charm and see where it takes me from there."

"Nah, you're not her type."

"Oh really, and why's that?"

"Because once she meets me, she won't want to have anything to do with you."


"I'm telling you Marshal, I don't care who shows up here to claim this land! My brothers and I ain't budging! Our family has lived up on Murphy's Canyon now 50 years, now all of a sudden they want to take it away from us?! Well it ain't happenin'! " shouted Chet Adams.

"Now hold your horses Chet. You need to understand that just because your family lived on that there land, your granpappy even your pappy never bought it! Unless you have..." said Teaspoon turning to the banker, "how much is it again?"

"3,000 dollars." whispered Mr. Miles.

"...3,000 dollars to purchase it, I'm sorry but you'll have to vacate the premises."

"Why you know we ain't got that kind of money!" shouted Chet, lounging at Mr. Miles and having to be restrained by Teaspoon.

"Now contain yourself Chet or I'll have to throw you in jail!"

"We ain't taking this laying down Marshal!" shouted Kyle Adams. "If you refuse to help us, we'll handle it our own way."

"You better talk some sense into your brother Chet." replied Teaspoon calmly. "You boys don't go doin' nothing stupid, that'll wind you up in jail or danglin' from a rope. Do we have an understanding?" The Adams boys gave no response. Chet stormed out of the Marshal's office followed by Kyle and their youngest brother Taylor. "Miles, this can get pretty messy. We're gonna have to stay on our toes for this one. Whoever is coming to claim that land is gonna need all the protection they can get."

"Is that it? Ain't you gonna do nothing Chet?" Kyle asked in frustration.

"Ain't nothing we can do right now Kyle. We have to wait for the right time."

"And when's that? When they're kicking us off our land?!" he shouted.

"Shut up Kyle." retorted Chet. "Your head's too hot for your own good, that's why I'm the brains of this operation and you ain't, so hush up!"

Chet started pacing among his brothers in deep thought, rubbing his scruffy chin. "Now, we'll know pretty soon who this person is, and if we play our cards right, maybe scare him a little bit, intimidate him, no tellin' what a man will do to save his own skin."

"Now you're talking." responded Kyle with a smile.

"But the Marshal..." started Taylor who was promptly cut off by Chet who grabbed him in a headlock.

"Now you listen to me boy, ain't nobody pushing us Adams around you hear?" Taylor nodded. "A man's pride ain't nothing to be dealt with lightly. Ain't you got no pride boy?"

"Yes Chet." he replied squeezing the words out of his throat.

Chet unlocked his hold, and held his youngest brother by his shoulders. "You're an Adams and you need to be proud of who and what you are. You need to be proud of your name, your family. You stick with your family Taylor..." continued Chet letting go. "remember, blood's thicker than anything. You do what's right by your kin."

"I understand Chet." replied Taylor, even though he didn't agree with the tactics he knew his brother would use to get his way. Unlike his two older brothers who were boisterous rebels, Taylor had a good and kind heart. Though most of the town looked down on them because of his brothers unruly reputation, Taylor had other plans for his life. He didn't know which route his young life would take, but he knew it wouldn't be anything like that of his brothers.


Dark clouds were quickly forming behind them. The two young riders wisely decided to cut their resting time short, pack their gear and move on out before they were caught in what seemed to be a pretty bad storm heading their way.

"Let's get going Cody." shouted Jimmy. The wind started picking up giving a foregleam of what was ahead.

"I'm going as fast as I can." he shot back.

"Well you better go faster or we'll get caught in this storm. We should be back home before it gets real nasty." yelled Jimmy over the sound of the wind.

"I'm planning on it Hickok." said Cody as he mounted his horse. "And on beating you to that last piece of Rachel's apple pie!"

"Don't go there Cody." Hickok said with a serious glance at his friend as he tightened the saddle on his horse.

Cody just smiled at him with that mischevious grin. "See you in Rock Creek Hickok!" he yelled as he motioned his horse to get going.

"Cody!" Jimmy yelled as he mounted his horse in hot pursuit of his friend.

Jimmy and Cody had developed a strange friendship. Jimmy was serious and looked at life with uncertain realities, especially his own. He knew nothing was a guarantee in this his world. Living the life of a gunfighter, brandishing the name "Wild Bill Hickok". If he had a choice he would've soon giving it all up for the wild, free nature of his friend. Cody was, as Jimmy thought, reckless at times, had a big mouth, fell in love all too frequently, but was darn good with a rifle. They had all become close kindred spirits and he would not hesitate to fight for each one of them or give his life in their behalf if he had to. He couldn't help but smile at the time Cody joined the theatre and contemplated leaving the Express to follow his acting dream. Ah, dreams; if his were so free and simple he thought. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by the striking sound of lightning. He galloped his horse to a faster pace and caught up with his friend.

Victoria Sutton was already on her way to Rock Creek. On her journey there she thought about many things. What would it be like? The town, the people? She pondered about this business deal she had to finish, one of her father's last wishes. Could she really be the kind of business woman her father had trained her to be? Starting to doubt her abilities, she quickly dismissed them with a shot of confident reassurance.

At that moment the wagon stopped.

"Why are we stopping?" she asked Mr. Hawkins as she peeked through the dusty canvas.

"Looks like pretty bad weather up ahead." he said looking into the horizon.

"There's only some dark clouds, could be nothing."

"Not in these parts ma'am. Clouds like that can mean big trouble."

"Well I'm sorry but we must continue. I have to get to Rock Creek."

"I reckon there should be some place we can find shelter if it gets too bad." he assured her.

"Let's not waste any more time then." They continued on and Victoria hoped they would hurry and get there in case the weather decided not to cooperate.


The day was coming to a close back in Rock Creek. The sky was a mixture of light orange and yellow hues with a touch of gray clouds looming in the horizon. The peaceful setting was soon interrupted by the usual announcement of incoming riders.

"Riders coming!" shouted Buck. Lou, Kid and Teaspoon stood up and walked over to Buck.

"Looks like they made it Teaspoon." said Lou. Teaspoon gave a sigh of relief. The horses came to a quick stop. Kid and Buck approached their friends to take the horses.

"Well I'm glad you boys made it back in one piece." said Teaspoon.

"Why? Is it because of what we're carrying, or because I was stuck with Cody for two days?" asked Jimmy as they turned to the house.

"Funny Hickok." replied Cody wryly.

"Come on boys, go wash up and let's have supper."

During supper, Teaspoon related to the riders the incident with the Adams boys and their reluctance to cooperate which he felt could lead to big trouble.

"That's the problem with this world," said Rachel. "as long as you've got that kind of money to spend there ain't nothing you can't do."

"That's true to some extent Rachel, but it's not like the Adams owned the land and were swindled out of it. The way I sees it, they're the ones that are tryin' to do the swindlin'."

"I can kind of see their point though," said Kid. "I mean, you live on this land, it's all you've known, it's part of you, it's your life. Then to have someone take it right from under you, it don't seem right to me."

"Well Kid, it may seem a bit crude to kick someone off property they've lived on for years but things ain't like they was anymore. This country's changing. It's getting bigger, more folks coming out West looking to buy land, a man's word ain't enough no more. You need to have the proof and they ain't got it." replied Teaspoon.

"So you think there'll be big trouble ahead?" asked Cody.

"I'm past the point of thinking Cody, I know there'll be trouble."

"Knowing the Adams boys that's a sure thing." said Buck.

"So I'm gonna need the help of you boys."

"What do you mean?" asked Jimmy.

"These here papers that you boys brought back are the proof that the land was indeed rightfully purchased. All they need to do is put their signature where X marks the spot and the deal is done."

"So we need to make sure that it gets done." said Lou.

"Exactly. So whoever it is coming to claim this land is gonna need our help or I have a feeling that they may meet an unpleasant end."

At that moment the sound of lightning and thunder intensified the gut feeling they were all having; that all wasn't going to be alright. The first sounds of rain hitting the earth seemed to open up a new chapter in the events that were soon going to unfold.


Victoria and Mr. Hawkins were still making their way to Rock Creek when the rain started. "Just great." she said to herself. She motioned him to stop.

"How much longer before we reach Rock Creek?" she asked.

" 'Least another forty-five minutes, but I don't think we're gonna make it in this rain." shouted Hawkins over the strong rustling of trees by the storm winds..

"What should we do?"

"If my memory serves me right, there should be a Pony Express station not too far from here." he said nodding ahead. He looked up at the dark stormy heavens. "If the rain doesn't get any worse, we can make it there."

"Are you sure?" she asked worriedly.

"I'm pretty sure...I may need some light though, to help me see my way better."

"Then I'll sit up front with you."

"I can't let you..."

"This is no time for gallantry Mr. Hawkins. The least I can do is sit up there with you and hold a lantern. I don't think that's too much of a difficult task." she said getting into the front seat. He smiled at her spunk and handed her the lantern and soon they were on their way.

Back at the bunkhouse, the boys were all getting ready for what they would hope would be a good night's sleep. Thunder was crashing and the rain really started to pour.

"I'd hate to be stuck out there in that storm tonight." said Lou. Kid walked over to her and put his arm around her shoulders. "Don't worry Lou, if you get too scared, I'd be more than happy to bunk with you." Lou's face turned a shade of red and the two were about to kiss when Cody threw a pillow at them.

"Alright you two, we don't need a show thank you very much." They all laughed. "At the rate you two are going Buck, Jimmy and I'll have to sleep outside!"

"Well don't you worry your little head about that Cody. As soon as Kid and I get married, you won't have to be tortured by our presence."

Jimmy turned his attention back to his bunk as he heard those words coming from Lou's mouth...'As soon as Kid and I get married.' He was disappointed at the outcome of his relationship with Lou. It all had ended six months earlier when they mutually decided not to pursue things, realizing that deep inside, they both knew that it was Kid who held her heart. Shortly after, Kid asked Lou to marry him and she accepted. Seeing them together though was right. He was happy for them both and wished them the best life could offer. He just hoped that Louise McCloud wasn't the only woman he'd ever come to love; but then again, he wasn't sure he could love another woman the way he loved Lou.

"Don't pay him any mind," said Buck "he's just jealous."

"JEALOUS?!! HA!" Cody said laying down on his bunk.

"Don't worry Cody, one day you'll find a woman blind enough to marry you." joked Hickok. They all laughed at Cody's expense who just smirked at the remark.


The storm had worsened. The heavens had truly opened up letting go of the waters it had contained for so long, like a broken dam. "We're gonna have to stop. We can't continue now." shouted Hawkins over the sound of whirling winds and heavy rainfall. "Alright." agreed Victoria. Suddenly, a thunderous crash of lightning struck a nearby tree, spooking the already restless horses. They ran wildly through the attempts of Hawkins trying to regain control of the run-away wagon. The steeds unfortunetaly, had total control and soon the wagon ran off the trail through the thicket of trees off the side of the road. Victoria's panic stricken face accompanied her terrified screams. "Mr. Hawkins!" she cried off the top of her voice. Hawkins had been knocked off the wagon when his head hit the massive branch of one of the trees. She looked back as far as she could for him but it was too late, Hawkins had disappeared in the dark night. Victoria's fear reached a new peak...she was scared but tried to fight through her fearfulness. Leaning forward, she tried to take hold of the reigns in order to stop the wagon, but the constant shaking made it impossible for her to reach them. She moved over to Hawkins seat and tried once again to grab the reigns when suddenly she felt the wagon tilt violently to one side. One of the wheels had broken and sent her flying to the muddy ground. On impact, she felt as though every bone in her body must have been broken. She lifted her head to see the horses pull off with the wagon but lapsed quickly into unconsciousness.

The storm was really brewing fiercely now. It seemed like an eternity had gone by to Jimmy who found it particularly hard to sleep on nights like this. He tossed and turned on his bunk trying to make his mind respond to his body's yearning for sleep. To no avail, he allowed his thoughts, as he looked around the bunkhouse, to reflect on the many experiences he had had with his friends...his family. Even though he didn't like to think past tomorrow, he knew pretty soon they'd all be heading their seperate ways. Cody had already been contemplating doing scouting for the Army which Jimmy fortunetaly had talked him out of for the moment. His train of thought was broken when he heard a sound outside the bunkhouse. He drew his gun which had been hanging on the post of his bunk. Buck had also awakened to the slight noise and went over to wake Kid and Lou. Cody was awakened by Jimmy.

"What's wrong?" asked Lou.

"You better have a good reason for waking me Jimmy; I was in the middle of a beautiful dream." said Cody with a yawn.

"We heard something outside." said Buck.

"It's probably just the wind." commented Lou.

"It ain't no wind." replied Hickok. They heard the sound of what seemed like footsteps. They all looked at each other. An eerie chill running down their spines.

"It's definetaly not the wind." said Kid. They all had their guns in hand as the sound got closer to the door.

"Who'd be out on a night like this?" asked Lou.

"I'd say trouble." answered Jimmy.

"Amen to that." joined Cody.

"Well let's hope not." added Kid.

"Well there's only one way to find out." said Jimmy as he headed to the door followed closely by Kid and Cody. Buck and Lou stood behind with their guns pointed at the door. Kid stood to Jimmy's right and Cody to his left. He nodded to them to get ready for whatever was on the other side as he swiftly opened the door. "Please help me." muttered the woman, passing out as Jimmy's reflexes cued him to catch her before she hit the floor. Cody and Jimmy looked at each other recognizing that this was the woman they'd seen in Blue Creek.

"What is she doing here?" asked Cody.

"I don't know but she don't look good." replied Jimmy. "Lou run up to the house and get Rachel and Teaspoon; we're bringing her up." Lou ran up to the house without hesitation.

After several knocks, Rachel opened the door. "What is all the commotion Lou?" she asked. "Someone's hurt." At that moment Jimmy who was carrying the woman, entered the house fully drenched followed by the others.

"Oh my goodness!" cried Rachel.

"What's going on?" asked Teaspoon entering the house.

"We heard noises outside the bunkhouse and when Jimmy opened the door there she was and she passed out." informed Buck as Teaspoon stared at the young woman dangling from Jimmy's arms.

"Well bring her on upstairs." said Rachel. "Come on Lou, we have to get her out of those wet clothes." Jimmy followed Rachel upstairs along with Lou. He laid her down on the bed. Her face was slightly bruised, her hair wet and stringy, her clothes muddied but he thought she was still beautiful. "You think she's gonna be alright?" he asked. "I think so." replied Rachel. "Who knows what she's been through. Now go on, we've got work to do." Jimmy complied and left the room heading back downstairs.

"So you say you recognize this woman?" asked Teaspoon.

"We only saw her real briefly." answered Cody.

"Just before we headed out of Blue Creek." added Jimmy.

"So you don't have a name or any idea of what she's doing here in Rock Creek?" he asked.

"Nah, we didn't talk to her." replied Jimmy.

"Well I think I can answer that." announced Rachel coming downstairs. They all looked at her puzzled.

"How's that?" asked Cody. She threw a small leather pouch on the table.

"Look inside."

Cody picked up the pouch and took out a handful of bills. They all looked at each other in amazement. "There's gotta be at least a thousand dollars here." he said scanning the money.

"I ain't never seen that much money in my life!" exclaimed Lou.

"You aren't the only one." added Kid, who reached for a touch of the bills just to have Cody slap his hand.

"That ain't all." said Teaspoon taking out the piece of paper from the pouch. He opened it and knew exactly what it was. "Well boys," he announced. "I think we found us the rightful owner of Murphy's Canyon." He threw the paper on the table so they could all see. Kid picked up the document. "So what do we do now?" he asked. "We'll cross that bridge tomorrow Kid, right now I think we all need to get some well deserved rest.

On to Chapter 2...

Please Email the author with feedback!